i have a problem…
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so tonight, while talking to my friend todd, i bit my lip…
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i have to admit, i still don’t get it…
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i’ve been reading a lot of punk articles as of late…
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one week from today we “spring forward”…
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over the years i wonder how many scam bits i’ve done?
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like many days, yesterday had its highs and its lows…
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it’s amazing some of the odd shit i come up with when i’m barely awake…
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and here he is…
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this one…how did it never get replayed in twenty-three years?
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irony – the current prez first came on the political landscape as leader of the “birther movement”, who were just sure a black president had to be born in africa, not on american soil, and therefore couldn’t be president because we can’t have an african running the country…but now?
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