- email: sean@astrowhore.org
the back story
i met kramer in 1996 on a morning radio show i was producing. off the air he gave me an astrological reading, and predicted i would have “a life altering event that seems really bad but actually has a silver lining i might not see at first”.
the next day my mom died.

a month later he was on the show and i told him. he kinda freaked out, being a bit of a momma’s boy and all. so he re-examined my chart, this time focusing on career, and told me that, “not only is radio the place for you, but 101X (the station i was on at the time) is the place for you. this will be your life, and it will be filled with rock ‘n roll themed good times!”
the next day i was fired. and thus began our friendship.
it was several years later, and after i’d helped him move (acquiring my awesome dog “calum” in the process), that we discovered that he had, inadvertently, put the wrong year in my chart, literally reversing it’s polarity. in his defense the initial reading was done on a morning radio show, around 5:45am, when he wasn’t fully caffeinated just yet. after that he’s been a bit more accurate with my life predictions, although to keep the fun in life and the work out of our friendship i’ve pretty much stopped asking him.
not that he doesn’t volunteer the info from time to time whether i want him to or not, but when you love what you do it oozes out of your pores from time to time, i suppose.
i had began to write the occasional comedy bit for the blog on his site, astrofish.net, in 1997 and at that point didn’t even have an email address, swearing i wouldn’t acquire one till we’d sorted out all that Y2K bullshit (by the end of that millennium i had four email addresses – work, yahoo, aol, and here). a few years later in 2001 i started dating a girl who wanted to read more of my stuff then i had been churning out kramer, and apparently he’d had a couple requests as well, so he pushed me onto this news of the weird site he’d started but it was proving to be cumbersome, astrowhore.org, (the original place to find my shit, but now it just links here…) and after a fun run at journal con in 2003 (i was asked to speak at both the opening and closing ceremonies, working shiner bocktoberfest for the company, star tickets, that had fired me weeks before in between), and surviving a massive data dump by my old hosting company (fatcow.com – fuck those guys…i’m STILL trying to get more archive stuff up thanks to them) i decided to rename the site after we hit the decade mark which is how we ended up here at daphuk.com
or there’s the shortened kramer version (which is rare for him to be light on words)
We couldn’t afford therapy for him.
It’s that simple.
Some support by:
dude, here