
i know i said i’d take a break for thursday…

i lied.


see, it’s now just after 1:00 am…i’ve been jacking around on line on kramer’s extra laptop since around 8:45 pm, save for our 11:00 pm run to whataburger. for some reason kramer is looking for links to heavy metal stuff online. that can turn up some scary, scary stuff. to me, the band from sa is kinda intriguing…

(and named after many a 210 chica that came before them in my existence, i might add…but never mind that now)

during the research i saw a good reason why i should NEVER have kids, or at least why a few slut metal groupies REALLY should have swallowed.

then when he brought up pantera, i interjected one fun fact. guess which one…

1. the first time i saw pantera they were still doing hair metal back in ‘90 at a warehouse party called “culture clash”, which also had a strip off at midnight where my friend danielle won.

2. my buddy steve (who’s superbowl party i FINALLY went to this year) went to high school with the guitarist and drummer and has the lp from when they were all in high school to prove it.

3. phil (the lead singer) is gay

well, while all are true, numero tres was what i brought up. now, when you put in “phil pantera gay” in google, the first link says…

“Phil Anselmo is Gay….. will Pantera suck any less if Phil comes out??”

and then the second says…

“…anyone who don’t like pantera or down and especially phil anselmo are
a bunch of gay fags that don’t know talent when they see it…”

(and yes, i omited the links to the sites because, quite frankly, i don’t wanna contribute to the second guys readership and i felt it would be unfair to only ditch his)

and just to verify something shane brought up this weekend over pool & booze, it is still true that if you search for “midget-rodeo-clown-porn” you get only one link.

faux bee, uh?

i don’t know what i’m afraid of…


most people have something they’re deathly afraid of. okay, maybe i shouldn’t say MOST people. but quite a few. bugs, public speaking, public affection, commitment, my dogs, what have you – almost everyone i know has some fear that is damn near crippling that while they admit might be a BIT irrational is still part of who they are.

i don’t have one…

i don’t mean this in an “i’m a world class bad ass” kinda way. i just mean that, to the best of my knowledge, i don’t have any phobias. while i DO admit, i tend to freak out about my financials occasionally (but, to my credit (pardon the pun), i’ve never really made enough money to cover the bases until now, and going into this i was in a pretty deep hole, so it’s taking a bit to dig back out again) and i’m not the biggest fan of spending copious amounts of time in solitude (my mind can be a scary, scary place when left unaccompanied…you people read me…you **know** this). but other than that, i don’t know if i have any real fears. at least not any major ones.

i’ve dated girls who won’t come to my house because they’ve had nightmares about my dogs attacking them, even though they’ve never even looked cross ways at them. i have known a girl who would freak out if you yahoo messaged her that clown face you can do by typing “:o)” or whatever because she was that spooked by clowns. and one of my closest friends is a current police detective and former marine but was on the floor in the fetal position during the close-up shot of the needle going into travolta’s arm when we went and saw “pulp fiction” back in the day…

…and if you knew what a germ-o-phobe this guy is, you’d realize how odd it was to see him take to the sticky-assed floor of a movie theater to escape a screen image…

…but it freaked him out that bad.

so, any one else in reader land have one? drop it in comments…use a fake name. i’m just curious what’s out there. and if any of you think you know me better than i know myself, see if you can think what mine would be…

…other than writer’s block, of course.

carbon dating

this will probably hurt come morning…

i won’t bore you with all the details, but my real workout for the first part of 2k4 is finally in effect, where i try to pack on the muscle tone and still drop down to under 200 by my birthday, just to see if i can. i mean, i started at 264, and now i’m down to 217…and that actually only took from may to august; i just kinda flat lined there and haven’t really put much of an effort into dropping below that.

now i’m putting forth the effort.

i went to the gym tonight, and you can definitely tell that it is t-minus eight weeks and counting. that’s right, many a girl (and a few guys, but mainly girls it seems) have realized that the holiday snacking has hit all the uncool areas and spring break approacheth. this is the time of year i hate going to the gym, because the hot female population goes up.

and no, i have NOT turned gay. far from. and in this case, that’s the problem.

i love women, and the more gorgeous and toned the better. so when attractive women come into the gym, they tend to get my attention…and the one time my attention REALLY needs to be focused is times like, for example, when i am lowering approximately 600 lbs into a position where i can either lift it or let it crush my torso. i prefer to do the former…but let me get distracted enough, and things could get splatacular.

the one thing that helped at least keep me a LITTLE focused was a thing i saw in some men’s mag this weekend (i THINK it was stuff) where they showed celebrities with hot women, and the kramer-esque title of the piece was “Daughter or Date?”

i realized that far too often we (as in guys) do tend to aim a bit young once we get into our thirties (and beyond). we live off that great quote from social scientist, al bundy, that a real man must “love girls and hate women”. legal as it may be, i need to realize the word “teen” being at the end of an age makes it off limits. hell, for that matter, too young to drink needs to be my cut off. see, i have a problem…

(and i don’t mean my drinking…the only problem there is that i stay sober too often and as a result i see how entertaining most of the world ain’t).

my problem is i have become a SHITTY judge of age. so, i had to come up with a couple of things i check. after that whole ring thing of course. been burned by that in the past. but never mind that now.

as an example, let’s take one of the lovely ladies in the gold’s gym in round rock, texas, this evening. we’ll call her “kari”. why? because that’s her name…which she said i wouldn’t DARE use. so i gave her the url and told her to read away when she got up in the morning.

the bottom line is, don’t DARE me to do things. or say, “i wouldn’t dare”. but again, i digress.

kari has the kind of body that most hooter’s girls would be jealous of. tonight she was also wearing the kind of ensemble most hooter’s girls would be ashamed to wear in public. a sports bra that was smaller than most (as in coverage, not an insult to her breast size) and shorts that, to be honest, if they were any shorter she would need TWO hair styles to wear if you know what i’m saying and i think you do.

so how old was this exquisite, all be it slutty-looking creature? let’s check; test one:

ink. piercings don’t count because most places i know WILL pierce minors with a parent or legal guardian. but tattoos are a whole different story. now, i have known people who got them done as minors. but typically you don’t get the BEST work that way. so, if you see decent ink on a girl, chances are it was done professionally, and greater chances are she was eighteen when it was done. now, in kari’s case, the faire that was on her lower back, ending down just a half inch above the crack of her ass (so in those shorts, the whole thing showed) looked professionally done, but was faded just enough to hint at about three summers of swimming and tanning, so i guessed her at 21.

i asked. and i was right. then she asked, “why?”, and the ensuing, “you wouldn’t dare…” was interjected. so, that’s my main test. no tattoos and i’m lost. i occasionally check around the eyes for wrinkles, but otherwise i get lost on this one. so, what tips do any of you have? other than an i.d. check, what’s a good way to make sure the girl you see and want to take to happy hour can actually, legally, go?

speak n’ hell

so, i must admit, i’m still a little edgy about updating the ol’ whore from the land of hell. for one, they keep us nut sack-slammed the whole time we’re there…
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