
so yes, i DO occasionally get inspired to write this page. even lately. the problem is, it very rarely happens when i’m sitting at home. and it also typically involves booze…a little “fuel for the creative engine”, i guess we could call it. the difficult part comes the next morning, when i’m laying in bed trying to figure out what the fuck i thought was just so entertaining the night before. and who’s thong i just found in my pillow case. and where the midget-sized wonder woman outfit came from. but perhaps i’ve said too much…

when these bits o’ inspiration kick in and i’m out and about, i started phoning notes to myself to help out the diminishing short term from the night before. so without further ado, here’s what’s on my answering machine right now, not including the outgoing limerick, of course.

syntax de liquor

when i worked at sundance in san marcos, there was this kid (fresh out of high school, hence the term) that worked with us even though the store typically didn’t hire teenagers. he was the son of the doctor of the owner or something and so he ended up working a summer with us. he was a cool kid who i liked even though he basically had the spoiled little rich kid thing happening, but still wasn’t a jerk…a hard thing to accomplish with that kind of upbringing, ya know? so this one time, he was recounting the weekends beer-fueled activities when he got to a point in his story where he referred to “falling asleep in his buddy’s front yard”. i had to explain to him that people don’t “fall asleep” in other’s front yards, they PASS THE FUCK OUT in other’s front yards. if i had had a couple more last night, i would have been waking up with a concrete gnome, too.

is it a bad sign when you find your mobile phone sitting atop the styrofoam take out container from ihop in your refrigerator at noon on a sunday? i was afraid you’d say that.

see, my REAL job isn’t having a xmas party this year, so i’ve decided my NON real job (i.e. this astrowhore thing) needs to have SEVERAL. maybe a “twelve parties of xmas” kinda thing. the first of the series was last night, where kathi and i went to shoot pool, and i made her drive with the understanding that her minimal boozing would be covered by me so i could get my drunk on, and get it on i did. my drunk, that is. about a half hour after we got there, josh joined us fresh off trabajo de grande, and then a half hour after that my friend leslie drove in from sa, which i figured would be cool so we could do the whole two-on-two billiards thing, but leslie didn’t really play, as i recall. of course, due to MANY rounds of double crown and cokes, i don’t recall a great deal of last night, and i somehow ended up signing of on an $80 bar tab at the end of the night. ouch. at least a chunk of it got kicked back in, i just wish i hadn’t been quite so loud in trying to remember a term i’d come up with the night before. see, for some reason, i started coming up with slang terms (predominantly for josh’s amusement) for sexual acts. like referring to anal as “kicking it on the back porch” or a blowjob as “shutting her up the old fashioned way”. but i had come up for a term, that was DAMN funny at the time (and yes, i was actually sober when i came up with it) for a facial shot. and i think i used the term “facial shot” too loud and too often for most of the ihop crowd, including the people at my table; and all ’cause i was trying to remember something from friday night, who’s title would be…

(and before i wrote this, i called kramer, which even drunk i couldn’t bring myself to do at 2:00 am last night, and he reminded me that my slang term for a facial shot was “spilling some paint in the garage”, but i digress…)

syntax de caffee

sue me, but with slight holiday depression kicking in, partially due to another mom-less xmas and all, a comedy routine wrought with suicide and cancer jokes** kinda brought me down a bit. josh and kramer had a blast, but the other half of our opera box didn’t make it out so cheerful. anyway, afterwards, i met up with the josh and the k-man at this new place that serves nothing but desert, coffee, and booze, or a combination of all three called halcyon. the night then contained everything from beer and s’mores (the late night breakfast of champions, or at least people who damn near set themselves on fire with a deadly combo of sweater sleeves and six-inch-high blue flames who’s parents named them josh) and a coffee menu that offers up more varieties of java then most places have varieties of overall beverages, which brought to mind a question…

why must coffee be so damn complex?

for some reason, coffee can’t just be called coffee anymore. for example, they have something at halcyon called “caffee americano”, which is “espresso with a splash of hot water that tastes just like fresh, hot coffee”.


i guess “caffee americano” does have a bit more marketable zing than “watery-ass espresso”, but last time i checked espresso went for a good bit more than coffee, so why not just make a plain ol’ pot of coffee? why would you drink something pricey that has been done just right to TASTE like coffee instead of just drinking coffee? that’s like these annoying vegetarians that brag that their $4.95 veggie burger tastes just like my $2.95 cheeseburger but without the beef. great. you spent twice the money for the same amount of flavor and taste…your parents must be proud. i guess with coffee speak, my glass of chocolate milk would be an “iced espresso-free mocha latte, hold the ice” since they say “mocha” instead of “chocolate” and “latte” instead of milk, right?

if you like watered down espresso to taste like coffee and veggie burgers that taste like beef without any cows coming to harm, do you also enjoy an orgasm without the fucking? just curious. weirdo. and to think i’ve been told MY pervertednesses were odd.

** 2023 note – the routine in question was george carlin. yes, THAT george carlin. the only time i ever got to see him, and the whole last half hour was about white guys that shave their heads, guys with tattoos, guys who smoke cigars, and how maybe people who died of cancer (my mom, my grandfather) kinda deserved it. it was targeted enough (purely coincidental, i might add) that josh and kramer asked me if i met him before the show and pissed him off. neither had occurred…

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i couldn’t have said it better myself…veggie burgers and pseudo coffee is nothing more than dietary masturbation…you get the effect of the real thing (i.e. caffeinated to the tits or a full belly) but none of the fun of getting there…

sean (very impressed) said @ 12/10/2002 04:44 PM CST

er, isn’t an orgasm without the fucking called “masturbating”?

topenga said @ 12/10/2002 10:16 AM CST

brave boy…

😉 said @ 12/09/2002 03:43 PM CST

grey day or dre day? you make the call…

yeah, i know…why does it seem like i’ve suddenly developed an astrowhore allergy? like my creativity has run dry? well, good question…i’ve heard it all in my quest to figure out what the fuck is up…that the “newness” has worn off. that i’m depressed. that’s it’s the winter blahs. perhaps a bit of all of them. it is NOT because my brain has been sucked out by aliens and replaced with an interplanetary control device that seeks to govern my every mood. yes, i’ve even heard that one, which only shows that kramer’s readers read my page after all. speaking of, a riddle…
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fuck the five golden rings…

okay, so maybe she’s not my FIRST pick for the girl i want in nothing but a v-string in my bed with a bow on her head as my ultimate christmas gift, even if it has to be the weekend before christmas or something (’cause at this stage a whole weekend will be needed)…but since the actual numero uno choice has done everything shy of a legal injunction to keep me from posting HER pic on here, i figure this lil’ bit of eye candy would do…and yes, it’s the girl from the action flick xxx…not to be confused with the rating on the majority of my video collection. i just wanted to try out the new shit and see how photos and text interacted on here.

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nice ti.. i mean tattoo
harold said @ 12/10/2002 11:50 AM CST

did ya miss me?

so, between the holidays and browser issues and internal issues i haven’t done the whore thing in a while. i realize this. i had every intention of doing my typical sunday night, post-soprano’s throw down and then my browser decided that i didn’t need to…so i went to bed. and here we are…
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i am the lizard king…or savior…or something

i don’t remember when they invaded, but i DAMN well know they weren’t here when i grew up. i’m talking about lizards. or geckos. or whatever the little clear skinned mother fuckers that are all over the place now would be called. when i was growing up, you saw plenty of green lizards, and occasionally brown lizards…but it was rare. now, unless you live WAY urban, you see these little translucent bastards everywhere, and they rarely grow over an inch or two before they get stepped on, or caught on a bug or rodent sticky trap, or something. the first time i saw one, i caught it, thinking i had something kinda rare. than it’s 176,453 relatives arrived and i gave him (or her…who can tell?) back to la familia reptilia.
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i am so not gay…promise!

i don’t know what it was about this weekend. maybe it was the planetary alignment. or the prada shoes. but i heard it more than once, although pretty jokingly i’m sure, at least MOST of the time…

“are you SURE you’re not gay?”

“yes, i’m sure…”, i would respond. but when i was giving shopping advice to a gay man on monday night, i kinda started to wonder. add to that the fact that i was sitting six rows from the stage, in the center floor section of the sbc center wearing a semi-see-through black shirt and jeans and the pradas and it made it look even MORE suspicious, since it was a cher show and all. but i’m secure enough in my masculinity to accomplish all this and still be sure i’m not gay. and for those of you who CAN’T, i truly feel bad for you…’cause real men know this is all okay.

i was promised two things out of this evening…an amazing, vegas-style show and amazing company. i got both. cher is really great live, i frighteningly knew a larger percentage of the material, and even had bitter-sweet childhood flashbacks when they played clips of the sonny & cher show. see, THAT was what was playing on the tv the night my mom and dad pulled me into the living room to tell me they were getting divorced; the next morning dad was outta the house…and i always flash back to that night whenever i see any clip from that show. earlier in life, that hurt, ’cause it reminded me of the start of my dad-less childhood. but considering how cool i turned out, and how that probably would have been way different had things gone another way, now it always makes me smile…but i digress. let’s get out of the seventies and back into monday…

being a white male between the ages of 18 and 34 makes it even weirder for me when i end up being the minority among minorities. this time, being male, white, under thirty-five and straight made me a definite minority in a very large group of people. but that was okay. being a guy at a cher show, you have to take the good with the bad; an example:

good: when we hit the can between cyndi lauper and cher, i was in and out way faster than my “competition”, and she CHEATED…

bad: ya know when it seems like the guy at the urinal is giving more than just a passing glance at yo’ shit any you wonder if he’s checking you out in an un-cool way? here you’re pretty much guaranteed he is.

as for the show, it was definitely vegas-style, with great visuals, cirque de soleil style choreography, and cher going through more wardrobe changes than you’d see barbie do if you walk down that girle pink aisle in toys r’ us twice. and my company? as amazing as promised (and then some) covered by four L-words…


let’s face it, you KNOW the woman looks good when even the incredibly gay guys (as cher said at the start of the show, “ladies and gentlemen and flamboyant gentlemen…”) in the seats next to you tell her (and more often, you) how awesome she looks. but they couldn’t tell me the two things i left wondering and still don’t know…

1. cher’s real age
2. cher’s real hair color

bet a few of you know the first…but does ANYONE really know the second? i bet at this point even SHE’S forgotten. little help here, readers?

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I always hate it when I come to in the middle of a week long bender like that….

harold said @ 11/27/2002 10:41 PM CST

why did i just know you’d have an answer to that one really quickly?

sean (still straight…but looking good enough not to be last night…) said @ 11/26/2002 08:05 AM CST

cher: Taurus, May 20, 1946. Cap Moon, Cancer Asc. Probably brown hair. But I’m not taking bets on that guess.

astrofishy said @ 11/26/2002 01:17 AM CST

wireless convenience, tied down excitement

for the first time in two years, my mobile number is changing. yep, i decided it was time to give up the company phone (or to be more specific, the company carrier) and move on to something that in the long run, due to my chattiness (and the chattiness of others, but mainly me), will save me a shitload of money…since i HAVE gone consistently WAY over my allotted plan minutes and therefore burned through a lot of cash in the last year…
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you have to be fucking with me…

last thursday i went to dinner and was told (i unfortunately haven’t done the leg work and gotten details) about some kid’s parents who were suing his teachers because he failed. it was like (i assume) the teacher’s job was to educate the lad, and their tax dollars had paid her to do so, and since he was a fuck up, they wanted what they paid her BACK for doing a lackluster job.

earlier that same evening i had been listening to NPR (a rarity) with rob at the humidor and heard about a case where a kid had been shot and the parents of the victim had sued the parents of the child who pulled the trigger. makes sense. then they sued the neighbor of the boy who had left the gun out and accessible. again, makes sense. then they also got some money from the gun manufacturer. THAT was bullshit. they made a product that WORKED, damn it, and it’s not their fault it got in the wrong hands. why didn’t they also sue the descendants of the china man who invented gun powder? you can’t sue gm just because the drunk driver who plowed into the side of your house happened to be driving a blazer at the time. that’s just not the way it works.

we’re just too lawsuit happy.

here’s a few people i’d go after, if it weren’t for how expensive these damn lawyers can be. hell, we should all make up a list on this one…

1. coach mcneese: my driver’s ed instructor…for NOT teaching a chapter entitled “how to drive when you’ve drank your weight in liquor”. we could make this one a class action suite…do you know how many of y’all she’s put at risk with this one, too?

2. the city of san marcos: for that FUCKED up law that makes them stop selling alcohol at midnight every day of the week except saturday, when they go “balls out” and sell till one…still an hour before the state says they have to stop. maybe if some of those girls had a couple more hours of marinating time, i could have gotten it more often in college. for that matter…

3. duran duran: or depeche mode. or whatever little band / look i was trying to emulate in high school…maybe if i had just been a normal looking kid without the bangs that went to my chest and the black clothing and the suits and slacks and shit (for those who don’t believe this, i didn’t even OWN a pair of blue jeans the whole way through high school…fucking chess king. and oak tree. but anyway…) maybe i would have gotten it more then, too.

4. empire records: have you ever seen this fucking movie? try watching that and then working in an actual RECORD STORE for four FUCKING YEARS. talk about false advertisement. i never worked with some hottie blonde slut. i didn’t get to have emotional meltdown talks with liv tyler. i got to pay my bills on the “t.o.t.h.e” principle…as in “that ought to hold ’em”. phone bills $80? no biggie…just give them $40…that ought to hold ’em till next month and you still keep your service. know what? that actually WORKS!!!

5. skyy vodka: makers of the new beverage skyy blue. good stuff. especially good for those of us who DON’T drink beer, and live in a town where they can’t sell liquor…or occasionally go to “bars” that DON’T sell liquor. ever seen the ads? where the blonde goddesses are EVERYWHERE? i drank enough of this stuff to see things and STILL didn’t see any blonde goddesses. of course, in those same ads they want us to believe that said goddesses can hang out on a snowy mountain in a bikini and NOT get n.e. (nipple erections). for that one ALONE, they should be shot, not sued. guess this applies to damn near any beer folks who makes ads though, doesn’t it?

6. subway: as in the sandwich “studio”…that WOULD be the right term, wouldn’t it? since they DO call their employees sandwich “artists”, and artists work in a studio, not a fast food place, right? anyway, why do they have to hammer you over the head with that “six grams of fat or less” shit, and show you a REAL sandwich in the ad? and then in little, itty bitty print mention that to keep it at six or less you have to omit mayonnaise, or ANY salad dressing, or cheese, or…just make it twelve grams or something. you still kick the shit out of mcdonald’s, and then you almost get something most sub grub lacks…FLAVOR!!! there’s no need to try to spike the fucking ball.

7. steve at salon 505: sorry old boy, but you made the list. for more than ten years i kept the hair long. ten years. damn near the same cut the whole fucking time. what later became WWF hair (or WWE or WCW or whatever) then, i get a wild hair (pardon the pun) and cut it short. then i get an even WILDER hair and decide to shave it all off. now everybody talks about how great it looks, and how it works so well on me, and how it makes me look like a “bad mother fucker” and all. where was THAT advice, say, nine and a half years ago? guess he knew i could take care of this by my damn self, huh? just the cost of the shampoo and conditioner and detangler and all over the last years is mind numbing…and all i needed was a $20 pair of clippers.

8. the japanese: not for pearl harbor…that was before my time. and not even really for the fact that they got americans to ditch big, manly, gas guzzling motor cars for little matchbox sized vehicles only to THEN get people to buy all kinds of little gizmos and gadgets and such to make them sound like a weed eater raped a john deere lawn tractor and their child came out tangerine and able to go 180 mph and swallow gas like a porn star swallows….well…you know. no, this beef is for karaoke. what the FUCK? they HAD to have known that drunk white girls would make this a LOT worse than drunk japanese men EVER could. and even worse is the crowd who take it seriously and actually think they can sing as well (or better) than the original artist…which all makes me drink more, which goes back to number one on this list.

so, that’s my list…i didn’t even hit 10. can you think of who i may have left out? you know where to scribble it…

family help

okay, so OCCASIONALLY i get good mail from my sister…and once i scroll through the three or four pages that is her mailing list, i actually get to it. this one i added a little bit to…see if you can spot where…


10. “they told me at the blood bank this might happen.”
9. “this is just a 15 minute power-nap like they raved about in that time management course you sent me to.”
8. “whew! guess i left the top off the white-out. you probably got here just in time…look at all the pretty colors”
7. “i wasn’t sleeping!!! i was meditating on the mission statement and envisioning a new paradigm.”
6. “i was testing my keyboard for drool resistance.”
5. “i was doing a highly specific buhdist yoga exercise to relieve work-related stress. are you discriminatory toward buhdists?”
4. “why did you interrupt me? i had almost figured out a solution to our biggest problem and could have saved the company millions.”
3. “the line at starbucks was TOO damn long”
2. “someone must’ve put decaf in the wrong pot in the break room”

and the #1 best thing to say if you get caught sleeping at your

1. “….in jesus’ name, amen. can i help you?”

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my dad pulled the ol’ number one once. his boss said “you got a lot to pray about huh?” and he said “more than you know.”

josh said @ 11/18/2002 06:47 PM CST

cough syrup

i have been told on more than one occasion that when i walk down the street with a girl i should be the one on the outer edge of the sidewalk. personally, i always thought it was a thinly veiled way to make sure that if a drunk driver edged the curve, i’d be the one taking the hit…but was told that it was because in mejico when a guy walks down the street with a girl between him and the road it’s because he’s trying to turn her out…i.e., he’s her pimp and he’s putting his wares on display that way. but here’s what bugs me…i realized last night that whenever kramer and i walk someplace, he always puts me on the outside. is he trying to turn me out? is he taking this whole “astroWHORE” thing a bit too seriously? am i kramer’s bitch?

of course not…i’m NOBODY’S bitch.

but i digress…

last night when kramer and i went to dinner at ‘gill’s to discuss this site and all, he got to see me play mental pause with the waiter. “mental pause” is a game i play with myself to see if i can make the waitstaff (or whoever) do almost a triple take to the degree of just freezing them there for a second…so, when i got confused about something the waiter asked me last night, i fired off…

“i guess i shouldn’t have drank all that cough syrup before dinner…”

when he looked down at me, probably to say something to the effect of, “i hope you feel better” pertaining to my “illness”, i added…

“not that i’m sick or anything…it’s just a nice break in the day!”

the waiter froze. kramer couldn’t stop laughing. bingo…just like the old “gill’s games” days…

when i used to do the hightower radio show at threadgill’s world headquarters i used to hang out with this waiter named jesse. we had a game where we would see how many times a day, and from how far a distance, we could flip each other off without offending the staff, radio folk, other diners, etc…and he also told me that one of the cool parts of his job was walking up and hearing the tail end of a conversation…or at least that one stray line he’d end up being privy to just by nature of going up to the table.

so, i started coming up with lines i could say when i saw the waitperson coming up that would always get that “i don’t even wanna know” look from them. they had NOTHING to do with the actual conversation, it was all just for shock value. this is probably why in the two years i worked with the show, i never once dated anyone from there…but that was undoubtedly for the best.

here’s a six pack for you; a few old ones, and a few new ones i just made up for your amusement…i do that a lot, you know…bullshit just to keep you entertained. hell, half of you don’t realize i’m a korean girl that lives in central idaho; but never mind that now. try saying some of THESE when you see the “everything okay?” a comin’…

1. i mean, do you know how hard it is to find a little bo peep outfit that fits me?
(makes more of an impact if you’re a guy my size)

2. and it’s draining right now…*reach for belt*…wanna see the scar?

3. …sure, all the normal sex stuff is fine, but try and get a hooker to scratch your balls with a cheese grater, and it’ll cost ya.

4. that ended up being the last time we used THAT to lube up a donkey.

5. so the fact that i’m sitting here today instead of three years from today shows that even “good behavior” can be faked.

6. and that’s how you can grow pot legally in the state of texas.

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omg i just have to try that. if it dont upset the status quo with the waiter im sure it will wake up my boyfriend:))

Lynne said @ 11/16/2002 04:34 AM CST

josh, you got the ralphie reference but you missed the cough syrup / stripes coorelation? you are SO going down at pool this weekend…

sean (fill in witty comment here) said @ 11/15/2002 02:56 AM CST

Eh. that last one will get most waitstaff to ask you to repeat it, write it down, and perhaps demonstrate.

topenga said @ 11/14/2002 06:28 PM CST

maybe you could ask ralphie about where you could find a whore with a cheese grater.

josh said @ 11/14/2002 06:07 PM CST

The reason behind the man walking on the curbside and the lady on the inside is because the roads were not paved and often muddy. Thus the gentleman would take the majority of the dirt were there to be a big splash.

Now, we’re just hoping you get hit and we can collect the insurance–accidental death pays double! 😉

MC said @ 11/14/2002 04:11 PM CST