i recently read an article that indicates we are six for ten on “end of days” signs from revelations…
…but i would argue it’s a bit worse, actually.
here’s the list out of revelations (links to articles i don’t like to can be found in the article linked above):
1. water into blood – the indian red water issue
2. frogs – so far we’ve avoided this one, but we do still 25% of the year to go here
3. swarms of gnats – they mention the murder hornets, which would be the 2020 version of gnats, i guess?
4. invasion of vermin – seen those pics of all the rats coming back since there’s no people?
5. pestilence of livestock – chinese folks have seen this one
6. boils and disease – if you need a link for this just kill yourself
7. thunderstorms of hail and fire – california, double hurricanes, fuck, we’ve even got catastrophic fires in the got damn arctic circle
8. locusts – what? you haven’t heard that’s also a 2020 thing?
9. darkness for three days – that would be a nice break from the reality some people have lately!
10. death of the firstborn – again, the year ain’t over yet…
so with seventy-five percent of the year down, we’ve already got eighty percent of the signs of the apocalypse down…and we still have the “election” to deal with. shitshowapalooza is just beginning, folks!
Changing the name, mot year of the rat, but now calling Mad Dog.
In short? MD 2020.