this one will be brief…
…because i can’t do it at work and i gotta take off in five minutes.
why can’t i write at work? did the tattoo shop get sold to some massive corporate conglomerate that shits on creativity at work? nope – but windows ten shit on my laptop…although, in it’s defense, it warned me.
a couple days ago the slightly annoying pop up windows i was getting on my worktop went from “you qualify for a free upgrade to windows 10” to “your windows 10 upgrade is ready to install – do you want to do it now or later?”. when you chose “later” it would only let you push it out by an hour. so i did what i needed to do on that computer and shut it down in LESS than an hour. easy peasy.
but last night i was at the shop when harold called out to me, “dude, your computer says ‘initiating upgrade to windows ten – stand by’ right now!”. i ran over and it had a screen up that said “upgrading to windows 10 – do not power off your computer during this process” but i did anyway because it was at “ZERO PERCENT” on the install…but apparently that was too late. now the computer is stuck in a “boot loop”, which is not a shitty cowboy-themed cereal but rather when your computer tries to start, but due to a software issue can’t go beyond a certain point and starts over…again and again. so tomorrow harold and i are gonna try to repair with a windows 7 disc of his and we’ll see where it takes me.
stay tuned…