it’s been a bit over a week since texans could openly carry guns in holsters openly in texas…
…and the list of businesses that prohibit such actions just keeps on growing.
i’m okay with that.
i have a concealed handgun permit. i’ve had it for over a year. i carry a loaded gun with me. a lot. stashed. and i plan to keep it that way. i have no need (nor does anybody else, i might add) to show my piece off (or my gun…hehehe) in public. if you DO feel you need to show it in public, i suggest you find a public place to hang out that doesn’t make you feel so threatened as to need to have a pistol visible…
…nobody should live their day to day life scared, right?
i didn’t see this as a big deal when it started making news that it might happen, but that was ’cause i honestly didn’t think it would pass. i think a concealed handgun is MORE than enough. i honestly don’t carry mine with me most of the time because…well…i’ve made it this far without needing one, and my life hasn’t gotten wilder as i’ve gotten older or anything. it’s nice to have, and i’ll keep it up (especially ’cause once you pay the $50 for the course, the $10 for fingerprints, and the $140 to the state, renewals aren’t bad and you don’t have to re-take the course). few and far between are the places in texas that WON’T let you carry concealed, save for what you’d expect (government offices, schools, post offices, bars) but the list that won’t let you OPEN carry? grocery stores, restaurants, entire fucking MALLS.
why? because it’s just fucking stupid.
i have several friends who have concealed permits, most of the whom expressed to me they had ZERO interest in open carry. i can think of one friend who might, and i think the majority of the time it’ll be permit holders who’s other lifestyle decisions (i.e. they eat a lot) prohibit the more convenient concealed carry location (i.e. your waistband) so the hip is the logical ergonomic alternative…
…god forbid that fancy holster money go to a gym membership, right?