sorry to go all elmer fudd on the intro line, but since i put “wheelie” for “really” it read odd to me to spell “frustrated” correctly…
…but anywho, it fits regardless of spelling.
so, after all the money and bullshit my car still shakes like a shitty carnival ride at highway speed. it all started once i swapped the rims, but the garage i’ve been at says they don’t think it’s the rims or tires as they see plenty of clearance and things didn’t get better with a tire rotation.
but that being said, they’re not sure what the fuck the problem is.
it seems like if it WAS wheels or tires the place in lockhart where i got the rotation done would have pointed it out, as this is the place that wouldn’t do an alignment because of my rims and tires and tie rod and steering boot back in july – but all that shit has been replaced, to the tune of almost a grand, money that SHOULD have been set aside for my wedding and shit. and now i’m still grounded from going over sixty, have zero nuptial stash cash, and my mood could be a LOT better.
i’m giving this place one last chance on wednesday, so we’ll see where it goes. at least i have cool plans for later that night…hope they’re not automotively tainted!