gemini house cleaning can be painful as fuck to watch…
…and it’s not that efficient.
but it can yield some interesting results.
my current housecleaning duties have basically fallen into two categories:
1. cleaning up
2. cleaning out
the ufc says i need to focus on the latter, and i believe she’s right. while “cleaning up” makes the house look nicer and helps my general mental well being, “cleaning out” affords her a place to put her shit while we get the place organized and that needs to happen sooner than later.
so, i try to balance it a bit.
the other day i was cleaning out the hall closet. why? because it makes sense to me that the office is where we can pile some stuff as it’s at the front of the house (so we won’t have to walk far with it) and there’s a lot of room. plus, after emptying out grandma’s place it stayed piled for a while.
actually, it still kind of is – but i can clean it up AND out if some of the “keeper stuff” (and there appears to be a lot) has a place to go, like…um…the closet. so i cleaned OUT the closet to clean UP the office. make sense?
one of the things that came out of the closet (hehehe) was a shoebox that appeared to be full of nothing but old bills. while rifling through financial debts of the past i found a cd wedged in with info on the back about the eddie griffin show i helped produce/promote back in 2003, but i knew i didn’t own a cd burner back then so i had no idea what could be on it.
turns out it was whore shit!
this disc has the first six hundred or so whore bits, and keep in mind back then i didn’t have myself on the “a bit every two days” rule – so that many bits actually covered the kramer era (the site started in late 2001, i didn’t do my first bit till early february, 2002) and has all the graphics from the old headers featuring the malibu and me at around 265 lbs and so look for those to start popping up on the side archive months, and maybe with a flashback friday bit here and there (i haven’t done those in quite some time, so maybe we’ll do that as a summer series).
could be some good times – let’s see what we find!
This makes me happy and sad.
Happy: good shit
Sad: more work to import to the new site.
Plus: midget clown rodeo…