be more secure, motherfucker!

every now and then i hear about shit on tv and wonder if it actually DOES happen in real life…

…and in this case it did, which shouldn’t have surprised me, but so it went.

i had never heard the term until i saw a nick cannon standup special – apparently it’s used my men insecure in their masculinity (my terms, not his) f0r when they wish to compliment another man, but don’t wish to appear gay.

as if saying, “nice kicks” means you’re suddenly homosexual.

again, i thought this was just part of his bit. i didn’t think it actually happened in the real world…or maybe just none of MY friends were so insecure about who they were, and more importantly, who WE were as buds to say it. then came a co-worker’s utterance the other day:

“dude, that’s a really nice shirt…

i know i say this here a lot, but fucking seriously?

first off, he was right – it WAS a nice shirt. not that all my shit is pimpin’, pimpin’ – but that one was. to tell me that does NOT make me think you want my cock in your mouth…it just means you know a nice shirt when you see one. screaming, “NO HOMO” at the end doesn’t help me re-affirm that you’re not gay…it just helps me COMPLETELY CONFIRM that you need help. serious help. not “if you don’t get help at charter, please get help somewhere” kind of help, but something needs to give somewhere in your world kinda help. hopefully this gentleman will find said help one day, and feel more secure with who HE is. until such time, i’ll just make sure i look trashier around him so he doesn’t have to feel awkward, i suppose.

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