i know time will change…
…but some of the recent changes to the english language irk me.
i don’t wanna sound old and shit, but there are certain words that have made it into the lexicon of american (and as a result, global) culture that, quite honestly, i never used and could do without. i really could. i know we all have to evolve, and maybe i’m alone on this, but i just feel that some things we just don’t fucking need. as is we have websites that have become verbs (i.e. “i’ll just eBay this”, or “you should google it”) and that i can deal with, but these i never use, and i’d really like if the rest of you can avoid using ’em as well…
YOLO – fortunately, i mainly hear people say this in jest. i am fortunate enough to choose friends that wouldn’t say this and actually MEAN it…
text speak – it takes just as long to say “oh my god” as it does to say “o-m-g”. saying “l-o-l” and all that just makes you sound like a twelve year old girl. just saying. typing it makes sense ’cause it’s fewer characters, but SAYING it? c’mon now…
bromance – this is probably the one of these i hear the least, which is good, ’cause it’s probably the one i find most confusing. would the girl equivalent of being really close to a friend of the same sex be “ho-mance”?
selfie – sadly this one made it in the dictionary. really? when future generations look back on this current one (after mine, thankfully) this will be your contribution to the english language? a one word term for a woman hoisting her mobile phone above her head so you know what she’d look like if you were eight feet tall? way to go!
date night – okay, so this is phrase, not a word, and i think it has SOME redeeming uses when it comes to married couples. married couples, getting away from the kids, and getting to live life like they used to, it makes sense – but it’s sense been adopted by twenty-something that are just DATING…when you’re “dating” isn’t any time you go out “date night”?
hashtag – i get why they’re typed. but SAYING it before you say something? unless you’re using software that’s typing it for you, for instagram or whatever the fuck? makes sense – but otherwise? you just sound like a douche-tard…