i take a lot of i.d.’s at work…
…it’s what we do.
well, that’s not ALL we do, obviously. but the state does like us to verify age since we’re permanently altering the way somebody looks and all. that being said, it is a forever change to the way somebody looks – and for that i’ll take state issued i.d. cards, drivers licenses, passports, military i.d.’s, “green cards”, etc – and they’re not all united states issue. hell, in austin it’s not uncommon to get a driver’s license from mexico, issued by the mexican consulate (which is in me and shane’s former office on 8th & brazos, in case you’re curious) but with an ATX address on it.
all good from where we and the state health department is concerned.
but while all those are good for permanently altering you’re appearance it’s not all good for getting a cold beer on a hot day…and i think that’s kind of fucked up. if you go to HEB (XXXL grocery store chain in TX) in uniform, fresh off the transport from whatever “stan” we’re fighting in this week, and try to use your military i.d. to buy booze they won’t sell to you – you have to have a driver’s license, the opposite of what they’re used to dealing with on post.
if you go to trudy’s, my favorite bar of the last few years, and try to use a passport for identification they have to get a manager to approve it before they can pour your drink. it’s a government issued document that can get you across international fucking borders, from country to country, without issue. it’s good enough for everybody from canadian mounties to mexican federalis to fucking INTERPOL! but for TABC (Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission) they have to “think about it”? that’s fucked up.
hell, even the place me and shane go to drink on the cheap in san marcos (grin’s) doesn’t just stipulate a driver’s license is required to drink, but a TEXAS one. think about that. most kids graduate college at twenty-two or twenty-three. so now if you go to SWT (sue me, i refuse to call it “texas state”) and want to drink at grin’s (right across from campus) but you’re from out of state (and hence paying more for your education there) you have to surrender the dl you have from your home state and pay for a texas one…only to probably have to do the same thing a year or so later when you graduate, can’t find work around here, and have to move back home? that’s fucked up.
times like this i’m glad i’m old enough to simply never get carded for anything any more!