i love when the jokes write themselves…
…and sometimes reality is even more fucked up than the shit i could come up with. this is one of those cases.
this is the sign for the new chinese fast food restaurant, titled “obama’s fried chicken” or “ofc”. below the cartoonish image it bares the slogan “We’re so cool, aren’t we?” in chinese.
needless to say, this upset a few folks. al sharpton for one – who’d have guessed? is he really even still a reverend? like of an actual church? or does he just go around being offended and talking about how “the man” is trying to do wrong? guess what, brother al – you guys got the presidency…you ARE the man now!
moving on…
the chicken is spicier than kfc because rather than eleven herbs and spices it has over twenty – one for each constitutional amendment he’s tried to crush.
(okay, that was a joke)
but like most chinese products this is a rip-off of an american idea…an nyc chicken joint changed their name to honor the first black president back in 2k9. no word on whether or not the chinese version will be closed down – given the fact it’s not on american soil somehow i doubt it; wonder if obama will pop by when (if?) he does a chinese good-will trip? get a two piece and a biscuit? fuck, now i’m craving chicken…