all i wanted was to check my fucking email…
…dopey me.
i got a new phone about a month or so ago and went with an LG (which i’ve never owned) rather than the samsung which had just came out. i got to play with one this past weekend and realized i was cool with my choice – but the browser part of the new phone bugged me. if i logged in it took about forty-five seconds to get online, and about two or three minutes to knock off…meaning if i looked up a phone number i’d have to write it down so i didnt’ forget it by the time i could actually dial it.
that sucks.
when i went in to complain about this a week or so after i got the phone i was told sprint was actually having an overall network issue and that could be the problem and to wait a week or so…but nothing got better, so i went back in today.
that’s when things got really bad.
i was showing the problem to the sprint guy, and surprisingly there was only one guy ahead of me – typically when you go to the sprint store you have to bring a lantern and a lunch…’cause it’s gonna get dark and you’re gonna get hungry. this time i got to a person quickly, and then things dragged out worse because when i showed him what happened the phone locked up online, and when i pulled the battery (the only way to get it rebooted at that point) it wouldn’t come back on. so while i kept my pics (SD card) i lost all ringers, games, and the phone book.
sucks to be me, huh? and on the day i found out i’ll probably be jobless before 2k9…but never mind that now.
so, if you call me over the next couple days and get voicemail it’s due to the fact i have NO idea who you are…it’s not that i’m ignoring YOU, i’m just not able to see who the hell is calling me.
and people ask me why i have whiskey for breakfast…