i almost called this bit “leftovers”…
…till i realized that this wasn’t leftover from anything. but while i love me some halloween (and plan on actually being prepared next year with a kick-ass costume) and xmas (cause people give you shit) i think turkey day could be the best holiday of the fall. why the fuck would i say that? there are seven deadly sins – and this boy hits six of them at least. and six of seven will ALWAYS win the playoffs – hell, you don’t even get to go that in the best of seven series, for crying out loud…
six turkey day sins
1. gluttony – do i really need to explain this one?
2. greed – try and get that drumstick from uncle buster…i dare you. cousin scott did tried last year; now we call him “lefty”.
3. sloth – see anyone from numbers one or two about an hour after the meal…
4. wrath – ever shown up and brought something you weren’t supposed to, therefore doubling up on stuffing or yams or whatever? ever seen what your “competing” relative gets your dish-swapping ass at xmas a month later?
5. envy – there’s always that one big slice of pie, and for those who didn’t get it…
enough said on that…
…shame the last one (lust) didn’t make it into my weekends, huh?