leg day…again

i used to have an old expression…

…some days you’re the leg, and some days you’re the dog doing the humping.

last wednesday was definitely a leg day!

it started simply enough – i really needed to work on the car (oil change) and i hadn’t gotten myself going on that just yet. i took the boy to work, came home, and just kinda petered around the house, as i’ve been wont to do as of late. i never worked on the car. part of that was the fact it’s just been ball sweat humid out and it’s uncomfortable to do ANYTHING outside as of late.

but this time that procrastination has really bit me in the ass.

later that evening i was craving wings for dinner and had a plan to get some from the fresh foods section of HEB. i took off but a block from the house my low tire light came on. now, i have one that has a slight ding in the rim so when we have violently wide temperature swings it will sometimes leak slowly and cause the light, so i hit the “RESET” button and took off, making it about a hundred feet before it came on again. i reset again as traffic stopped me, but after the third time it went off i relented and pulled over. i got out my air compressor and plugged it in expecting it to be at its “usual low” of around 25-27psi. as i was doing so recalled that i had, in fact, had to deal with this on saturday night and it didn’t typically resurface this quickly, which compounded my shock when i went to take the reading and it was at THREE.

3.0 psi! so, basically flat.

as i stood up i did so kinda weirdly and felt a slight ting in my back, which i didn’t think much of. i limped her home, got in mr. grey, went to the store, and got wings. but in doing so noticed the discomfort factor in my back increasing.

by the time i got back from the store it was almost stifling. as the evening wore on, it got worse. between that and phyfe just being his usual restless self i barely slept between 10pm and 6am when nik got up and took the dogs out of the room, which is when i collapsed into a heap until almost ten. i still made it to work, but just barely.

that night (thursday) i had a cigar night with watts and was gifted some pharmaceutical grade pain meds to get through the weekend, which ended up covering me until sunday, which is when i went back to the over the counter regiment i do when things hurt badly.

this is now being written on tuesday morning. while the last couple of mornings have definitely been a bit less painful to get up, the angle in which my spine is curved (you can see it thanks to a cross tattoo around my bellybutton) seems to NOT be changing.

(this pic is from december of 2022, when i guess it last got jacked up. it didn’t take long to correct that time, and was worse this time)

i’m hoping my body isn’t settling in to this as the “new normal” or something as it’s extreme enough this time i’m kinda leaning a bit and when i try to stand up straight my right foot feels like it’s literally floating. i guess we’ll see where this takes us? tonight i have my one concert so far this year (cypress hill) so we’ll see how well i can get through it…

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