if you grew up in the satanic panic of the 1980’s like i did you were really fed some bullshit…
…due to a religious movement at the time now referred to as “the satanic panic”.
for example, the peace sign…

we were told, in the eighties, it was an upside down cross, the symbol of satan, with the cross bars broken downward towards to hell to, yet further, represent satan. but the reality? it’s semaphore.

it’s the letters “N” and “D”, standing for “Nuclear Disarmament”, i.e. “PEACE”.
so it’s no wonder when a place sprung up recently near a local bar-b-que joint (it’s lockhart – we’ve got a few) that had a weird symbol over the door…

the talk around town was it was some kind of secret society or cult. of course they thought there was some kind of wizardry going on, because most younger people see it but are thinking of this magical image…

but in reality, the bottom one is actually from the harry potter series, and the top one, which is actually on the building, is the alcoholics anonymous sign, letting you know they do meetings there. why no text? do we need to go over the definition of “anonymous”?
i’ve said it before and i’ll say it again – small towns, small minds.