and darkness fell over the whore (a flashback)

can i still use this header even though it’s not 2022? seems a shame to retire it…

…anywho, fifteen years ago shit on the site was in a dark place – check it out!

what the fuck? (part ii)

Author: sean M Published: March 17, 2008 0 comments edit

being as that it’s st. patrick’s day, and in a perfect world i’d be too drunk to type, i figured it was okay to be entry free today…

…drink ’em while you got ’em.

(but thanks to this software i’m writing this on saturday – how’s that for taking the magic away?)

let me explain how fucked up this shit was on the site. i’m still kinda pissed – the lady (paige was her name) that told me my account had been deleted (i almost pissed myself) fucked up so many aspects of that call that i’m convinced…

a. they don’t drug test at my web hosting company (or at least not in the billing department)
b. she must wear a helmet when not confined

seriously – she was that fucking clueless. appropriate for today – a six pack of things she fucked up.

my security question – the answer (which i can’t tell you for security purposes) is SIX fucking letters. seriously. how hard is that to get right? apparently just as hard as…

my fucking password – it was “fucky’all” for years, but i changed it this time around and made it SHORTER – five letters, two numbers. she fucked up BOTH. seriously – how is this bitch still employed?

she lost number three – no bullshit. she actually lost this one.

my zip code – she asked if my zip was “787664”. this is when i realized i was across the border in canada (eh?) trying to resolve this; any american would realize NO STATE IN THE FUCKING UNION would have six numbers in their zip code. this little fuck up caused her to…

double tap my bank account – what’s worse than shitty service and being lied to (that’s the next one – sorry to spoil the surprise)? paying for it twice. they claim it’ll drop off my account, but in the interim i have this nasty habit of eating and such, so i had to take an advance out (which costs me money) to make it through till the funds are released. as of this writing they’re still not. dumb fuck. but all of this was dwarfed by…

she lied and told me retrieving the old entries would be “no problem at all” since we caught it within twenty-four hours – tech support monkeys told me this, too. she said i had three days – they said i had fourteen. it got “escalated to a level two technician” who told me that DELETED accounts don’t get shit backed up. even when it was a simple fuck up, kinda on their behalf, truth be told. too bad. neither do non-deleted, apparently. he quoted me chapter and verse about where in my agreement (which i never saw since kramer brokered this deal) about how it’s MY responsibility to back up my own shit…

…so as i said yesterday, i’m fucked. at least on this st. patrick’s day i have a damn fine reason for getting sloppy-style fucked up, huh?

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