when you find something you like, you tend to stick with it…
…i’m speaking of caffeine, but it applies to lots of things.
i’ve been into rockstar energy drinks since acl started back in 2002. at least, that was my introduction to them. over the years i’ve tried almost every flavor they put out, and they’ve had a lot of hits, but even more misses to my recollection. it seems like every time i find one i like, typically it gets yanked. i’ve done bits about it. i found this image…

which i guess was me showing how it had changed in apple flavor (for the better) and the can’s been redesigned a few times since but the flavor is still around and still rockin’ (pun intended) but i had to resort to ordering it on amazon since all stores around here decided to stop carrying it, which is odd because…

see that shit? the NUMBER ONE SELLER in coffee substitutes on amazon. admittedly, probably not a super crowded category, but to be number one in any amazon category, from where i’m sitting, is a bit of an accomplishment!