i have a long history with female dogs…
…wait – what did you think this bit was gonna be about?
my first dog (brandy – irish setter (1975-1983)) was female. my longest-lived dog (julie – border collie/german shepard (1985-2001)) was female. and, no offense calum, probably my overall favorite dog (miss copper – pitbull (2001-2013)) was female. calum’s chick, (buffi – german shepard/pitbull (1999-2010)) was in the mix as well. which brings us to current:

i swear little girls are higher maintenance than little boys. budnik was infinitely easier, or maybe that’s just ’cause i had miss copper’s help? she (copper) was a fight house dump off i rescued who had been used as a bait dog as well as a breeder, so she had a few litters and as a result had her maternal instinct kicking when the lil’ dude came around. now we’re all torn up and scratched up and nothing at the house is getting done…but we’re raising a puppy!
at least we can say that…
i have what i call stripe days – where for every hour and half to two hours she has OUT of her crate, she spends an hour IN with some chew toys so i can accomplish shit in small blocks without having to wonder where she went or, more importantly, what she’s eating or chewing on. i can’t wait for the days when budnik’s neck starts to heal and she can be left alone for longer periods of time, but that’ll be a while – how LONG a while i can’t recall, but i know it’ll take longer than i remember and/or want.
just pay me the grand now, shane-o…if there was ever a ghost of a chance of us siring children this nipped it in the ass!