george carlin once wrote a book called brain droppings…
…this is a shortened up version by me.
just little thoughts i wanted to vent so i’ll try and limit it to six:
“tell chili’s how much a mcdonald’s burger cost and they won’t change their menu prices for you” – my response when people show us crap tattoos and tell us how much they paid in response to our price quotes.
expanding foam is the devil – while doing a shop project the straw on that shit broke and my hard to come by dickie’s camo shorts, my fave pair of nike running shoes, and my killer new “knowledge is power” shirt:
all took the hit. got 99% of the visible off, but that one percent is fucking with me. might do a shorts run on tuesday.
the ‘big o’ reads my shit? – so i recently did a bit about oakley’s new warranty and repair policy. i guess they read it, because all of a sudden the watch i got from them in september with lotto winnings had the battery go out. meanwhile, my third oakley is trucking along fine, even though i never wear it and therefor have it up on both eBay and craigslist to help finance the vegas tickets, which have already gone up even though they SHOULD have been paid for but…
keep your personal business out of the shop a “buddy” wants the gun i’m selling and is dragging out his payment even though he bought another off one of our co-workers since without financial issue. don’t get me started.
big brother budnik is feeling it – i know he likes somebody to play and rough house with (puck never would) but you can tell the constantly having to defend his food and all the chewing on his neck has been wearing poor budnik down lately. i’ve been trying to love on him more when i’m around, and the ufc has some cool coconut oil skin treatment stuff we’ve used on him with a lot of success, but gypsy can’t mature fast enough for him…and not for THOSE reasons. that’ll happen in may, i reckon.
and finally…
did i get laid if i fucked myself? – i just realized at least two of these could have been their own bits later this week, so i might be lazy and do some throwback action later in the week if things get boring. you’ve been warned…