sue me, i’ve been in a slight alliteration mood this week…
…and since i’m ridding the office of some clutter today, this got pitched:

and i can’t remember if i ever posted this (as it’s from my dell days it has to be more than six years old). i like that “100% Of The Proceeds” go to the charity. really? you’re selling a $2 box of donuts for ten bucks – i would HOPE you’d give it all to charity. but let’s not duck the obvious here:
isn’t it ironic as fuck to give out the most sugary pastry ever to promote less diabetes?!?!?
have they ever even HEARD of diabetes? do they know what it is? how more than a few people get it? i mean, fuck – this might could have been the only diabetes fund raiser that prompted some poor schmuck to later lose a foot for being a bit too charitable towards helping kids with diabetes! in hindsight, i wish i’d bought a few dozen and then taken them to a school to give out – after all, kids like to feel like their helping their own, right?