my lovely wife was born in cali and raised in vegas…
…and every now and then she asks me if we REALLY have to stay in texas. normally i disagree with her on this. but every now and again, not so much…
…this is one of those times.
i thought i had mentioned that texas was considering ditching daylight savings time – and i couldn’t be happier. we’re not an agricultural society so it serves no purpose. it makes kids go to school in the dark. it fucks with us non-morning people. other than that? nothing. so now it was gonna go away, and i was happy. but then came the most ridiculous argument EVER:

a dallas representative led a charge to strike down the bill. why? because while church would still start at the same time, the cowboys kickoff might vary or road games because of the local time fluctuations with daylight savings time and shit. “i don’t wanna miss church, and i don’t wanna miss cowboys football” was actually uttered in session – and with that the bill was voted down.
fuck it – i’m moving to cabo.