we all knew how this would end up…
…which is why i delayed writing this bit for a week or so.
the legislation to legalize, or at the very least, decriminalize marijuana in the state of texas hasn’t budged since it was introduced. there’s actually a couple of bills, and the one most likely to pass will allow them to prescribe small amounts for epilepsy, which i’d love to see as a dear friend i grew up with is afflicted with that and i’d love to see her lead a happier life.
that being said, that one will still take a bit.
it’s not like we’re gonna be washington or colorado and have dispensaries every block and delivery services and shit by summer. keep in mind two things:
1. all of the states where recreational use is legal STARTED with just medical usage approved, although the outbreak of glaucoma that resulted from that legislation was staggering, wasn’t it?
2. at the end of the day, this IS fucking texas…
while it will be legal to smoke a joint on the front lawn of the capital long before two guys can get married on its steps, it’s still going to be a process. you have to ease lawmakers into this kind of thing slowly. so while i’d like to label myself “hopeful” i think “cautiously optimistic” may be more accurate…and if things move forward, i guess i’ll have to just be labeled anxiety-prone while we’re between steps…that one counts, right?
Hada to fucking go there, didn’t ya? Now Father Shane has to preach…
1) Texas was the first state to enact antipot laws..El Paso city ordinance.
2) Texas might actually pass low THC/High CBD oils…cause they can’t get ya high, but can be taxed all to hell.
3) But for any of that to happen, it has to move passed a pannel, and into the house and senate for a vote within the next couple of days. Gonna happen? Possible but unlikely.
1 – true
2 – i had no idea, but the oils always seem weird to me
3 – didn’t i basically say that?
fyi – don’t know what screen your seeing, but all your comments appear to be going up fine. my software is set up with anti-spam comment protection, whereby the first time a user logs in and comments i have to approve it…and i can approve it as a one off, or as a “going forward they’re cool” (not the actual terms but you get the idea) and you’ve been set on the latter since daphuk launched and you commented the first time…did so for you on da whore as well. i’ve got twenty-seven spam comments filtered currently (over 30k just since we launched daphuk) and ain’t none of ’em you. this is in place of a 7:25am text, which would just be a dick move….