funny how time re-writes history…
…i posted this of facebook about 8:30 last night:

after waiting three decades i finally get to see tears for fears live!
that was true.
i had waited three decades, but the last one was the longest…because i had a chance to see them back in 2004, but didn’t, due to my ex (alex) not wanting to go to the show, and not wanting me to go to the show without her. this is how i remember it, and given how demanding she was for the bulk of our relationship, it seemed like a legitimate memory and legitimate complaint.
but i think, in hindsight, it was only one of those…maybe.
when i first started this bit i looked up some dates – and thanks to leaving direct to miami to pick her up from a shiner bocktoberfest i was working, i still have the laminate to know dates – like the fact that if the show (where kid rock told me i could speed in florida late at night and nobody would care…and he was SOOOO right) was october 16th, that lets me know i got to miami in the wee hours (5am) of october 18th, slept in tampa that night, then new orleans the night of the 19th & 20th, and was home the 21st…all of which made sense that she protested us going to see tears for fears, even if it was free, on the 23rd…
…until i remembered the first show we ever went to, which was the beastie boys, and looking up the date it looks like we did that on the 22nd. so, in hindsight i DID miss that show ’cause she didn’t wanna be alone for an evening and she didn’t really like tears for fears.
which kinda takes that back to “uncool” status in my eyes, but never mind that now.
getting back to last night, it was a good show with an excellent set list, and while it didn’t seem as “high energy” as i expected, i guess they’ve kinda mellowed with age and, to be honest, it’s not like a lot of their catalog if very “rawkus” anyway. but i have great memories of my early collegiate days bumping their debut the hurting in my walkman constantly (despite it being seven years old at the time) and they played plenty from it, so even if the version of shout that was their encore did anything but “let it all out” it was still a damn good show, and another of my fave bands i can strike off the list with a positive check. few and far between are the bands i liked enough to invest in box sets, but tears (along with depeche, cure, new order, and r.e.m.) all got the box treatment, and i’ve seen them all live…even hung out with a few of them.
now if only jamiroquai would come through and the police would tour again without retarded priced tickets and i can have a clean sweep!