the moral to the story is fatcow support just sucks…
…except for ryan.
so i waited a couple days after the last incident and got nada, so i called back and got renee. renee sucks. i told him i needed three things:
1. i needed a refund on the $120 they charged me when they said they wouldn’t
2. i needed a refund of the $34 chase charged because of #1
3. i needed six months worth of hosting for free for the hassle
he told me we needed to focus on the first one, and the chase should take care of the second once the first one was satisfied, and AFTER that i should call in for a hosting credit because if he tried to put all that through at once “they’ll just get confused”.
i don’t know who “they” are but apparently they’re not that bright. did the above confuse you? me neither – and we don’t even do this shit for a living!
i’m just sayin’…
so a couple hours later i get an email “thanking me for my order” but when i look at it the thing shows i was charged “$0.00” for hosting. i figured this was my hook-up. i also got an email saying i had “activity on my trouble ticket”. this made me happy as i figured the refund was on its way AND i got my credit. i went through the rest of the day pretty chill…
…till i got to the ufc’s place and tried to post that last entry and the whore was FUCKING OFFLINE.
i looked at the detail on the trouble ticket and pbr (punk bitch renee) had put in that “customer requests refund of all hosting charges as he no longer wishes us to host his site”. now keep in mind when they thought i didn’t want hosting any more last time (march of 2008 or so) i lost sixteen hundred bits and six years worth of writing, so when i read this my blood went cold.
and that wasn’t all that went cold…
…see, you can’t get sprint reception in the ufc’s place so i had to step out on the patio, in cargo shorts, t-shirt, and socks, when it was forty degrees out to call billing – and then called tech support on her cordless at the same time to hedge my bets on who’s wait time was shorter.
surprisingly, billing one.
when all was said and done we were back online and i was basically told i COULD call back to bitch about pbr but it really wouldn’t accomplish shit. i also got the next year of hosting for fifteen bucks, which is better than six months free and then a buck twenty from where i’m sitting. so there we are. still not sure if i’m gonna keep the site here after it comes up for renewal next time, but wherever i got i’m paying for three years up front to save this annual bullshit…
ASTROWHORE.COM before this summer — faster server…