it seems i do this every year…
…but this year it’s for real.
no, i’m fucking serious.
every year i set goals on here – and typically i don’t accomplish them. sure, i may nail a few. i might even get close on a couple more. but going six for six? never fucking happens…
…this time it will fucking happen.
and i’m not gonna go the cheater router and put “lose two pounds” or “pay of a single bill” or some other bullshit where there’s really no way i can fail at accomplishing the goals if i have a pulse. no, this will be real shit with real consequences if i don’t make it…
…but i will.
the six simple (and not so simple) list for 2014 is:
1. marry the love of my life (november 14th – doubletree on 15th)
2. get my toll shit straight (more on that later)
3. drink more water (already on this)
4. get below 210 but in a good way, weight-wise (already on this, too)
5. get financially upright
6. shrink my used car lot
there’s a few more, but those are the main ones…let see where this goes.
(i think this might be my shortest sixer ever with real content, no?)