or, to rephrase the title…
“two things i never wanna taste”
i know we all like exotic flavored treats from time to time, but a bacon sriracha lollypop? hot sauce and bacon? they call it “spicy peppery porky goodness”. i don’t even wanna try the two for real, let alone try them in sweet candy form. a texas-based company (god help us) is gambling that it will be a hit (and with other flavors like selling well then maybe?) but lest we forget – the ufc’s home town of vegas was built on people taking foolish risks.
and sadly…
i will hop on the bandwagon and put this bitch on my page. why? simple, really; something i will never, ever, EVER ask you good people to do again –
check out her ass:

or more importantly, what’s right above it:

yes, miley – please stop. everything you do…EVERYTHING…is just annoying and bad. it was before, when you were all squeaky clean, and it still is, it’s just now we want to wash our eyes out with purell after we see it. you’ve got enough money to never have to work again another day in your life, so in the name of all things sacred, please don’t.