as promised, i’m trying NOT to be biased here…
…give “da’ droids” it’s day in court is my quest to figure out what kind of smart phone to get now that i can FINALLY upgrade. not as pressing an issue as it once was, in truth, because…
…i kind of HAVE to be a patient sumbitch – since the apple iphone six (er) went up i’ve had almost eight hundred in car repairs done to the suspension of the beamer (yes, shane, i know…”Bring Money Whitcha”) and even though that didn’t come immediately out of pocket it WILL result in my checks being a hundred bucks light till fall, give or take, which makes for a two hundred “extra expense” fall looooooow on the priority list, but at least…
that big amazon bitch made all right…sorta – so it’s still under a bill if you’re a NEW sprint customer, and double that if you’re returning (which is so fucked up there are no words) but now the samsung note 2 (if i’m gonna go droid i’m gonna go DROID) is the same price as the iphone 5. is bigger better? i don’t know – but i do know…
no more fat fingering for me! – lately, even on my raised QWERTY keyboard (you folks realize “normal” keyboards are called that due to the letter sequence starting in the upper left corner, which is where an english speaker would start reading the keyboard if it were a page, right?) i keep having to re-type ’cause i fat-finger the keyboard…all while my fingers are NOT getting fatter (or so my rings still fitting would indicate). in the sprint store i fat finger the iphone 5 keyboard when i play with it, but not as bad. on shane’s note 1? no issues when we were starting a rather messy night of drinking the other night. and speaking of things that are fucked up…
apple had it’s chance, blew it’s chance – i’m just sayin’. one of the things i find odd (and extremely annoying) about apple stuff is they have to go all proprietary and shit on pretty much everything…so when they finally decided to change their special apple plug to something narrower they easily could have gone with the mini USB, where the “U” stands for “UNIVERSAL” ’cause pretty much every phone on the planet uses the same plug to charge and do data at this point. every phone, that is, except the iphone. in my eyes this was a pretty huge error on their behalf, but they have to be all “special” and shit. problem is they “special” themselves out of a lot of business. they should know people want a universal plug because…
apple’s got its own mothership – i had expressed concern about the user info database in the android software, but apparently apple has their own that doesn’t track all your info (which is good) but does track your every location for both the phone AND the computer that is used to updating the phone (which is bad, i guess). i’m always in the same area, so i don’t know if that’s any big secret; i suppose the only thing left is…
don’t believe the skype! – i believe i can use skype from one format to the other versus face talk? will have to look into it, ’cause if not that might be a deal breaker!