a february 29th bit only comes along once every four years…
…and an idiot like this only comes along once in a lifetime.
i figure it’s fitting we close out black history month, which is typically protested by white folk of the racist variety (where’s our white history month? – see previous bit) by highlighting a classic example of why white people will never rule the planet.
to save you having to jump on the link above (if you haven’t already) a tulsa woman was recently busted for cooking crystal meth. NOT uncommon in oklahoma. what WAS uncommon was her choice of venue – her local wal-mart. why the fuck would she cook IN the store (which she occupied, and not in the wall street sense of the word, for almost six hours that day) where she could more easily get busted instead of, i don’t know, cooking it in the trailer* she calls home?
simple explanation – she was too broke to buy all the ingredients, and in order to leave you either have to check out or walk out (i.e. “steal”) and i guess she considered cooking the meth in the store less risky than getting busted for stealing the chemicals it took to do so…
…curious about the math she did in her head on those odds.
so, for all you cross-burning pointy hood wearers out there, read her story on the link above and ask yourself, are the white folks REALLY god’s chosen ones? if so this planet might not have made it past 12 a.d., let alone 2012 a.d. just sayin’….
* – it should be noted that while i don’t know if she actually lives in a trailer i figure with the intelligence she displayed with this action, and the median intelligence level of any given oklahoma trailer park, the numbers were in my favor on this one…