no matter how much fun you THINK you had this weekend…
…you could have been having more!
(and what’s funny is the brits in the article above were NOT the pioneers at this…)
yep, pee-powered video games are apparently becoming all the rage in europe and asia. we’ve had ads right over the unrinals for a while, and i knew some bars had little tv’s so you don’t miss the game. but actually MAKING it a game?
i don’t know about that shit…or piss, as it were. but can shit-powered ones with monitors on the back of the stall door be far behind?
(i should note i DID promise to do go “shit free” for at least a month, and believe i did several years before, so this is all just balancing things out…)
the pee games come with ads, so at least they can be revenue generators – but would you buy from a merchant that chose THIS as their fucking advertising medium?