okay, so the feds don’t want me to cook momma’s family recipe for meth…
…that i get.
but when the government wants me to stop cleaning? well, hell – that i guess i can get behind…after all, i always TRY to have one responsible day (where laundry and cleaning and such happens) and one irresponsible day where, well, the pups do more to make the place look nice than i do…
…the theory being we all need to keep our place up, but we all need to decompress as well. the problem with my theory is it needs WAY more than one day of work a week to get back where it ought to be – but one must decompress, so what the fuck can you do?
back to government regulation on cleaning – thanks to the freedom of information act all kinds of government documents get released to the public that used to not, like this little gem:

if you can’t read it, don’t worry – the first page (which was all that was up on the news site where i found this) doesn’t go into a lot, but i’ll summarize the fed gobbledygook – basically, the inside of a gun silencer contains a lot of fine copper mesh, which looks exactly like a chore boy cleaning scrub, and as it could be used in a makeshift silencer this federal document states that nobody should have large quantity as it is now considered a component of a heavily regulated firearm and having mass quantities of them would be braking several ATF laws…
…brilliant! so, if you buy your chore boy scrubs at your local grocery store in the two or six pack your fine. if you buy from sam’s or costco you’re all sorts of fucked – that’s what i take away from this…
(…side note: once knew some guys in austin who had a band called “chore boy” which played a few gigs but never recorded. named themselves after the scrubby as it was the best way to scrub your crack pipe clean. the band was made up of guys who had all gotten kicked out of their more famous bands for their crack habits. oddly enough a makeshift bunch of crackheads didn’t make it far…)
moving on…
…so, just when you thought the feds were regulating enough, they’ve boldly stepped into the kitchen now. *ladies, what are we gonna do about this?
*obligatory sexist comment for the year, knowing both JAB and i spend more time in the kitchen than most ladies do.