i think i know where at least a small segment of the “obesity epidemic” is coming from…
…sweet ass booze.
not that i’m calling all booze “sweet ass”. lord knows this is my diet achille’s heel. i know i could drop the last ten pounds i want to easy if only i could stop drinking – but my current life doesn’t allow for that.
i’ve always been a fan of peanut butter. goes back to when i was a kid. and now they have peanut butter flavored vodka. how awesome is that? heard if i do a layered shot (which thanks to my addiction to irish car bombs i know how to do pretty well) with a chocolate or chocolate cream liquor it’ll taste like a reese’s. still need to try that, although for now i’m content just taking a bull here and there out of the freezer. i figure i gotta keep it at home – i just can’t see ordering a drink called “nut liquor” at a bar. nice to see a girl i know getting a vodka named after her, though…
but they also make a whipped-cream vodka that actually comes in an aerosol can like whipped cream. this can’t be good for you; although the facebook pics it helps foster can kinda be nice. the sweat tea vodka can, as well, cause some problems. the bottom line is booze that tastes like dessert or a refreshing beverage just encourages us to take in more empty calories than normal booze offers us. do we really need that? i know i don’t…
(walks away from big-ass monitor to pour big-ass drink before hitting the “Schedule” button)