so, i’m sitting in the office typing this and the bose speakers on my XXL walnut (thanks again for the furniture, kramer!) desk are mysteriously silent…
…but the bose monitors in the studio are cranked, with a rare japanese RECORD of depeche mode demos playing.
i’d say “what a way to start my day” but my day technically started several hours ago when the dogs erupted in a barking fit for, what seems to be, no real reason at all…at around 6:30am or so. i shouldn’t bitch – i think i crashed out about eleven or so and probably needed to get up anyway. but it didn’t feel that way at the time, so they had a brief out and in, were re-crated, i went back to bed with NO sleep reoccurring.
so i went for breakfast tacos after the rebound trip to the grocery store.
you know the trip – the one where you go get the stuff you missed the night before ’cause you just got off work, were kinda wiped out, and then forgot a thing or two.
more to get tonight at target or wal-mart, but never mind that now. i can get through the day with what’s in the house, and that’s what matters.
lots of cleaning to do. lots. enough to where i think i’m gonna write it all down on scrap paper, tear the chores into strips, and draw out of a hat. half today, half tomorrow – or so the plan goes. goofed off the morning watch hall pass (which got the biggest laugh a movie’s gotten from me in a LONG time) with the pups and while i SHOULD be cleaning i realized that a whore bit was needed…
…and when i put ’em off, i tend to forget until the next day or whatever. hey, at least i’m sober.
i feel like in some ways i’ve been drinking a bit more than i should…but with all life’s piled on lately, can ya blame me? grandma’s house getting finished is dragging out, all kinds of extra hoops for me to jump through on that shit, and on top of that i have all the “other” drama and pain going on. sunday had WAY too high a tequila content as a result and…well…yesterday hurt a little as a result.
we live, we learn.
and after appointments at the lawyer and the bank i had a craving for bar-b-que (as smelling the pits firing up at various l-town bbq joints as i walked through the square will do to ya) so i ate WAY too much at black’s which, after months of light-weight lean cuisine food weighed me down to the point of pain (on top of that day after too much tequila pain) which made monday suck just as much as most of you guys make it out to…
…and it normally rocks ’cause monday is my friday. yeah, i’ve got that bizzarro world thing going.
so, instead of starting the cleaning (i always start with a load of laundry – it’s always needing to be done, and takes the least effort to get started) than on to working my way through whatever room comes out of the hat (or whatever i do to get myself motivated to start) but before any of that? the whore bit…why? ’cause it needed to be done, too…and involves me sitting on my ass. i’m good at that shit.
but i’ve rambled long enough. procrastinated long enough. time to get some actual work done in this bitch!