you know, i’ve watched “the social network” only once…
…and i DON’T remember a part where they talk about how the site fucks up people’s lives. now, i don’t mean that in the sense of people getting addicted to it and bypassing time with the kids, or work, or watching the fucking road to actually miss the latest status update or what have you.
(in a bit of cinematic irony it was jesse eisenberg, the guy who went on to play the founder of facebook in the social network who said in zombieland that the thing he DIDN’T miss about the world before the zombie apocalypse was all the ridiculous facebook updates…”i mean, ‘chris is at lunch at subway’ – who gives a shit?!?!”)
but what i don’t get is how it fucks up so many people’s worlds. like BAD. i had a friend who read what another person posted and the ensuing back and forth emails didn’t just fuck up the day she read said comment, but the next couple of days. i know people who’s relationships have been tested (and failed) because they added to many friends of the opposite sex, or too many of said friends made comments on photos (“what the fuck did THAT bitch mean with that ‘nice shirt’ comment? she knew that bullshit came from ME, not her!!!”).
i even have one buddy who both he AND his chick deleted their facebook accounts because they were BOTH cheating on each other and that’s how they kept busting one another…and i only found out ’cause i went to show off his profile photo (done by a portrait artist i might get some stuff done with) and he wasn’t on my friends list any more – and i found out THAT was why). not that these two “lovebirds” are gonna stop cheating – just stop busting each other on facebook for it.
i suppose that’s progress?
i never see this happen with twitter (“did you see what that bitch tweeted by boyfriend?” – never happens) and i don’t remember myspace fucking anybody up, save for all the ads and dating site fake profiles (she’s hot, exotic, and wants my bank account number and she’ll have sex with me – what could go wrong?). but facebook? i’ve never seen this level of drama and bullshit off a single site…ever.
here’s my thought – i read an article once in some psych journal about lotto winners, and how all the lottery money does is magnify who you are in real life. if you’re cool and level leaded in normal life, give you a few instant millions and you’re cooler and more level-headed and tend to do okay…the problem being those types typically DON’T win the lotto. no, it’s trailer people with a meth habit – that then by bigger, TRASHIER abodes and then fry their brains out on drugs in the first year. fucked up abusive folks tend to get more fucked up and abusive.
i think, to a degree, facebook is the same way…
if you’re the jealous type that gets easily upset, you’re going to get jealous and upset easily at what people put (and you read) on facebook. if you’re the cheating type, you’re gonna get busted (or suspect constantly, or both) your significant other on facebook.
me, i follow jimmy hoffa’s philosophy on life (and i’m only slightly paraphrasing here – most is a direct quote):
my philosophy on life is simple…live and let live; but for those who want to fuck your world up see that they don’t, and see that they have a problems…
(for all curious, the only part of the quote i altered was changing “want to destroy you” to “want to fuck your world up”)
i’ve taken a winter-long break from buying over-priced graphic t-shirts, but i fear this recent trend is gonna force me to hop back on that horse and at least get one more: