this is partially being written ’cause it literally made me laugh out loud last night…
…and partially ’cause i forgot to make notes to myself about the other bit i came up with yesterday afternoon. these things happen.
it’s amazing the shit we obsess about from time to time. i mean the little things, that get under our skin, and just fuck our world up until they’re either
a. resolved
b. found to be unresolveable and you just have to accept it
c. re-prioritized as something else steals your attention (look! jingly keys!)
last night’s little obsession was brought to you by the new hartz dura-play line of dog toys. i got one for (not so) lil’ dude when i ran to wal-mart to buy him a harness to walk in (pitbulls tend to pull a LOT and if you encourage it than they get to bulk up their shoulders and chest…but doing so in a collar/leash set up makes them choke themselves out). bought him a size “L” but it had to go back – turns out at seven months he’s already an “XL”, which they were out of. that was the one unsuccessful purchase of the trip.
the real winner was the squeak toy. damn, does that boy love his squeak toys.

this (not so) lil’ green thang is a bit larger than a softball. it’s his latest. still not his favorite (that’s dirty birdy) but it’s his favorite “air toy” of late (i.e. the one he jumps in the air (typically off the couch) to catch). and last night, when i got home and went to watch the latest star trek movie i needed something to keep him busy. i looked all over the house, including under my dresser (where quite a few of his toys end up) and it was NOWHERE. did a sweep of the yard and even between two porch lights AND a maglite it was still MIA.
kept trying to let it go but i couldn’t. second pass through the house. second pass through the yard. creeping up on an hour or so. i finally had gone long enough to need a drink, so i went to the fridge for a pepsi. as i was standing there with the door open, dude came up behind me and went nose down into the bottom shelf of the door and was kind of whimpering. i looked down to say, “what the fuck” and brushed him away from the door and saw bright green on the bottom shelf.
his toy has spent the day in the fridge.
from what i can guess, when i went to swig milk in the morning he did his usual “dad lap” (he’ll go out when i open the door, but then when i go into the kitchen he’ll come RIGHT back in, run to the kitchen, circle my feet once or twice, then run back out) he dropped it in the fridge door i and i didn’t see it. mystery solved, and he seemed to like chewing on an ice cold toy when it’s eighty or so outside.