ME was pretty impressed with me when we woke up this morning…
…although before we go any further i should explain that when i said “…we woke up” it’s ’cause she woke up, rolled over, and called me – and the phone woke me up, so we essentially woke up together, albeit in separate area codes and all. felt i should clear that up quickly due to her marital status.
moving on…
…she was impressed ’cause i told her today was gonna be all about the lucky dude as today was his fifth anniversary with me. she was all shocked i could remember dates like that as i also, for example, reminded her that we were creeping up on knowing each other for eight years as of december 1st. but then i realized that while i WAS accurate about she & i hitting eight years of friendship in december, i was WRONG about the time i got this (not so little) guy:

as you can see from the little pic (from the day he found US when we rode our bikes past the dumpster he had been dumped in) we were fresh off a bike ride…and my ex, alex, had never OWNED a bike since she was really little until i bought her one for her birthday, which is november 28th, so there’s no way we could have gotten him five years ago today as she didn’t have a bike yet…
three things, however, occured to me:
1. i know we had him BEFORE xmas ’cause i remember her posing with him in pics in front of the xmas tree, before we headed to my sister’s apartment since that’s where we did xmas that year.
2. i know the vet, when we took him in for his first shots the day AFTER we got him said he was only about a month old.
3. there’s no way to verify exact days as the phone that took the original pic died about six months later on a trip back from the coast.
but if he was a month or so old a week or so before xmas then his birthday would be around now so…

happy half a decade, lucky dude!
now, if you’ll excuse me, i’m gonna get offline and go get drunk with the lucky dude…it’s okay – it’s five in human years; that’s over thirty in dog years – he’s TOTALLY legal!!!
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Happy Belated Birthday Lucky!! Sorry I was a day late.
Too Funny!