i’m cheating on my diet and it feels good…
…but i’m kinda on track. trying to lose ten pounds a month, and i figure the begining of the month is the best time to cheat and hit the valentino’s buffet in san marcos – when (if) i get a job it probably won’t be in san marcos, so my chance to do this is a shrinking window, i figure. and speaking of shrinking, i dropped nine of the ten pounds i was supposed to lose in march, and that was hardly trying – so i figure if i really knuckle down i can be AHEAD come may.
let’s move on.
my current cell phone has almost gone airborn more times than any cell phone in my history. it’s not without good reason – i have the lg lotus, which to my knowledge is the only flip open cell phone with a full keyboard. wanted a full keyboard, did NOT want some big ass touch screen, or some fuck-all crackberry. it seemed a good fit.
as previously mentioned the web browser was an issue from day one. if went to hit the internet and clicked on ANYTHING in the browser menu the whole phone would lock up and not do shit for about a minute, then put you online. while online the speed was blazing, but when you went to get OFF the internet, you again had a sixty second “delay” before you could do anything with the phone again – and sometimes longer. i think the record was three minutes, save for the last lock up on that first phone – that was permanent. they couldn’t even get the phone to re-boot. i had to find my last one (which was turned off and in drawer somewhere in the house) to get any kind of phonebook back.
not cool.
the replacement had the same delay, which got worse until it finally stopped going on the internet completely – if you clicked anything in the browser menu the phone would lock up, sit for ten seconds, then reboot.
hell, at least it didn’t sieze and die again – i counted myself lucky.
what was funny was under the “messages” menu, in addition to text, picture, and voicemail, i could also hit my yahoo, hotmail, and gmail boxes – just couldn’t get it to set up the astrowhore one. and under a special “google” menu icon i couldn’t hit google, but COULD hit youtube and watch videos. but try to get to the sprint site to download a ringer and the phone would reboot. this went on for months…
…fast forward to sunday. i’m at home, slight buzzed, slightly bummed, and just feeling kinda “eh”. i’m dorking around with my phone and do my bi-weekly “update software” check (all phones have it – check it from time to time) when all of a sudden instead of getting the usual “no downloads available” response i normally get it started actually DOWNLOADING something. this had happened once before, so i didn’t get too excited – but then it went to some white “LG” screen i’d never seen, showed some format screen, and then rebooted. next thing i knew, *POOF* the browser worked. well. no lock ups. no real pauses. all good in the hood for the first time since i’d had the phone. so, NOW i’ll recomend it to you folks – the lotus, from lg. not a bad little phone once it actually works worth a shit.