i noticed a bit of irony on my nightstand that i thought i would share…
…and maybe give myself a bit of insight into my life these days at the same time.
(highlighted that due to a comment i got i had to respond to – oh, kids today! but from kfc to a dental office is, all kidding aside, is pretty impressive assuming there’s any truth to it…)
i have a little wooden tray by my bed that’s got a pair of wooden hands sticking out of it that contains most of my rings and necklaces and shit. in the tray itself is my moneyclip and keys…and it was the latter that got my attention. in addition to the keys you’d expect to see (house, car, office, cigar cutter, usb drive) you see a plethera of little plastic tags. okay, so just five – but that seems like a bit much ’cause i think they actually outnumber the keys. i’ve got…
1. my library card – good for using shouldi have PC issues here at the house.
2. gold’s gym – good to help stay in shape and lose weight
3. gnc gold card – same as two, but a bit more lazy
4. autozone – the car did just roll to 150,000 miles last week
5. spec’s – member’s discount card
it’s that last one that i think indicates i might have a problem.
for all that don’t know, spec’s is a very large, grocery store-sized, liquor store. shane and i ran there after running to get him a pc and prior to getting a mighty fine burger. i had seen a poster for the new jose cuervo platino, which retails for $55, they sell for $48, but if you were a “card holder” you got it for $33.
so now i’m a card holder.
said card also made the “heavy metal” jaegermeister (so named ’cause the entire bottle was encased in a metal jaeger case) only $15 or so, so shane’s a card member and i got my xmas present early. sadly, i’d already bought him the texas longhorn commemorative burnt orange and white wax dipped maker’s mark bourbon.
irish kids giving each other liquor at xmas – go figure!
but think about it – i have a tag on my car keys that enables me to get more bang for my buck on liquor. why does that just seem like a bad sign?