ah, the communists…
…dying breed that they are, you have to give them credit for one thing: they, more than anyone (with the exception of corporate america, i suppose) know how to make people swallow bullshit and take it with a smile. i recently read an article on their new bottled water, which is actually just tap water in a bottle, and comes with the instructions “boil before consuming”.
and you thought drinking warm beer seemed foreign.
we’ve all heard that meat is bad, but then good, for you. same can be said for alchohol and several other things – the key seems to be moderation. but a news article that caught my attention the other day appears to be a bit of a hoax. the head line…
bottled water can kill you? the story after these messages…
i figured this was it. the big ending. all of a sudden bottled water can actually do you in? say it ain’t so!
(and they weren’t talking about that polluted chinese shit)
turns out that if you leave a bottle of water in your car, and it gets hot enough (welcome to texas!) the plastic bottle will actually release chemicals that will then mix with the water you drink.
someone should probably look into fixing this, don’t ya think?
same can be said for anything – coke, juice, milk…anything you put in a plastic bottle and sit in your hot ass car. and here you all called me wasteful for throwing away half bottles of water ’cause they got warm and nasty in the car…i was being “wasteful” – i was being “safe”. there’s a difference…
…or so i’m told.