
hey, look – we made the news!

…shame it was for this. i mean, seriously? first, some images we all know at this point:

my two personal ties to this building: i recently had a chance at in IRS gig and passed. would i have been in THIS building? no telling – but it WAS where i signed my first mortgage documents on my current house. so that’s all i got on the personal side.

history will write this guy off as “crazy” or a “crack pot”. if you read his suicide note (which i was able to do before the hosting company pulled his blog due to pressure from the FBI) you’ll see he’s intelligent, articulate, and sane. this was a well thought out act against the federal government of the united states by a guy who had simply had enough.

NOTE: i do not applaud, condone, or support the actions taken by this guy. period. do NOT read that into this…

we all get pushed. occasionally we get pushed TOO far. when that happens, we react. sometimes we react poorly. this is what he did. read the note (reprinted here, at least for now…) and you can see he did what he did completely pre-meditated. the letter was posted within an hour of the crash. if you’re local (which i am) you know the drive from where he lived to the airport in georgetown, texas, is around forty minutes (try that shit at rush hour and it’s ninety). the flight back would be about five minutes.

basically, he hit “POST”, got in the car, and drove to the airport…after setting his house on fire.

and i thought my thursday morning was busy.

(sorry, no whore entry is complete without at least ONE joke. and again, for all who think this is me supporting him, don’t worry – that’s complete bullshit, and i DON’T know how to fly a plane, which i only mention since they keep mentioning he was unemployed…like that’s motivation. it was HIS plane – how rough can your life be if you own your own fucking plane?)

here’s my question (to keep the whole conspiracy theory theme going) – local (austin) tv stations keep showing the TXDOT (Texas Department Of Transportation) cameras that face the building to show how the traffic is moving past the rubble – why haven’t we seen the plane crash footage? you KNOW they have DVR’d shots of that shit!

in re-reading the note (first time sober, most of above written while not thanks to ME suggesting EVIL wine, second read of note while sober again) it seems my buddy erik said it pretty well in his facebook page…

Gosh, the government is doing what they have always done and somehow this is targeted directly at your inability to succeed?! You failed numerous times, so who is the idiot? Why didn’t you just kill yourself instead of ruining the lives of hundreds of innocent people? RIP (rot in pieces)

i agree with this, but not quite in the same vein…it IS the government doing business as usual that made this guy lose it…but business as usual isn’t a good thing. shit needs to change, but bullshit gestures like this sure as fuck ain’t the way to bring about that change.

i’m just sayin’…

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  • Kramer Feb 19, 2010 @ 8:11

    Guitar players, not like Austin will miss any of them, and you know how sane they are.

  • sean Feb 19, 2010 @ 14:44

    well, he definitely struck a chord with the nation….HA HA HA…thanks! got a million of ’em! i’ll be here all week…don’t forget to tip your waitress!

    and, um, yeah, kramer – my birthplace is a place that NEVER misses a guitarist when they die, right…


  • Shane Feb 20, 2010 @ 12:06

    Yeah, but if the guy could play like Stevie Ray he wouldn’t have had the cash problem with the IRS…unless you ask Willie.

  • sean Feb 20, 2010 @ 13:51

    Any way you slice it, THIS is seriously fucked up!