and he looks a little something like this…
this was the pic he posted on twitter after he boarded a flight that was NOT southwest airlines (the cnn story said it was another SWA flights, but the leather seats to me say otherwise – kramer, feel free to correct me) after he was kicked off a southwest airlines flight he had already boarded and been seated in because he was “too fat”.
you know i love to pick on some fat people but that even seems fucked up to me.
he was already seated, he could buckle his seatbelt AND put the arm rests down and…HELLO – he’s kevin “silent fucking bob” smith! the two women on either side of him even said they were comfy, but they STILL kicked him off the plane siting his weight was a “safety risk”.
don’t they use planes to move cargo a shitload heavier than kevbo smith?
all SWA got out of this was a wealth of shitty publicity and a famous director that now will never again fly on their “welfare airline”. i love the man, love his work, and even had a drink or two with him, but i gotta admit…
…i’ll still fly SWA. why? ’cause they’re cheap as fuck. truth be told, smith DID actually pay for two seats on a later flight, but they got him on an earlier flight via stand-by but only had one seat available…then decided he was too rotund to sit in it.
say what you want, that’s fucked up. if i were kevin smith i would be FAR some silent about this shit, too…