relaxin with pep?

does anyone remember pharmaco?

it was a south austin bio-research place that always had ads in the chronicle about what, at the time, seemed like outlandish sums of money they would give you for a just a few days of staying with them and subjecting your body to their medical experimentation all in the name of scientific advancement.

read: drugs. they were trying out new drugs on you.

the irony? most of the folks i know went their en lieu of employment so they could make money to score…wait for it…drugs.

while i know it still continues today (not with pharmaco – i believe they’re long gone, even though there’s a google listing) but thanks to the internet you can now spend your OWN money and play the home game! i was recently introduced to this by some friends that do ju jitsu in the form of a peptide called “bpc 157”.

so, some vocabulary here – a “peptide” is a short chain of amino acid held together with peptide bonds. they’re the building blocks of protein, which help our body form tissue. this one caught a buddy’s attention as it was advertised to “help you heal like wolverine”. he had knee surgery. he was back in the gym in ten days.

i have other friends that have used it with success from their ju jitsu injuries.

but here’s my concern…

while i’ve experimented with some over the counter diet and test aids (all to limited success) i’ve always has a three pill regiment, which was echinacea, CLA, and a multi-vitamin. this has recently been upped to four as i’ve left behind the “just waiting for my caffeine to kick in to start my day!” age for the “just waiting for my advil to kick in so i can start my day!” age.

i’d like to get back to the former. could the peptide get me there?

i’ll admit – uncharacteristically i relied more on friend’s testimony than my own research when it came to a lot of this. i took the word of various younger, more athletic tattoo folk versus just sitting down at my keyboard and doing what i do. and the most effective way to use this, from what i’m told, is intravenously. i have never injected myself with ANYTHING in my life. why start now?

at the end of the day, this will have to be an ongoing bit if it even becomes a thing. i can’t justify spending the money to do it through a “clinic” (which i put into quotes as all this is illegal and against anti-doping policies so does having a brick and mortar make you more legit or even shadier?) and the self-done version still runs a hundred bucks and, who knows? might make shit worse.

time to do what i do…

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