welcoming death on cali’s terms (a throwback)

i kinda remember reading about this…

…plus, it was from a month we only had one archival bit, so it was nice to stumble across this one…

end of the line…

by sean ~ January 18th, 2006. Filed under: Uncategorized.

…when we say it is.

that seems to be the stance of california, who executed their oldest inmate the other night.

forget the appeals about it being cruel and unusual because he was legally blind and in a wheelchair. first off, we’re supposed to treat people like that just like everybody else, right? level playing field? and keep in mind he was probably that way because he was seventy-six and had only lived that long due to numerous appeals that kept him out of the execution chamber.

also, he was there because he ordered the murder of three people from behind prison walls, which kinda shows that even on the inside, he was dangerous to the outside. and he wasn’t as feeble as he was made out to be – it took two shots to do the job.

needless to say, i’m pro death penalty…

the part i DIDN’T agree with was back in september of last year. that was when the the guy suffered a massive heart attack, and asked that if during the course of it he died, that he be allowed to go in peace – a do not resuscitate clause, they call it.

cali prison folk said no.

they said if he went into cardiac arrest, they would bring him back so they could execute him later.

that ain’t right. if you want him dead, so be it – but don’t try and beat nature at her own game.

proof that occasionally california takes their pro-recyle stance a bit too far, i suppose

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