in a way these woulda been super fucking cool…
…but honestly, i could stand to NOT buy any more shoes.
and seeing as how my income’s been chopped to about 75% of it’s normal for ENTIRE MONTH OF APRIL (at least) we’re kinda seeing where this takes us. but in the meantime, no extraneous purchases but these had been done PRIOR. i’m getting a bit ahead of myself, so let’s back up first.
a few months ago a friend sent me this image:

knowing i’m both a big coming to america fan AND a big nike fan. well, i never got em. partially ’cause i didn’t need more shoes. partially because i didn’t have the dough to drop on something stupid. partially (mainly) because i knew keeping that gold leaf and white ass souls clean would be a huge pain in the ass.
but then came these…

now, in addition to the tongue saying the title, these had all kinds of fun details:

but like most basketball shoes they didn’t have a lot of cushion and were hella narrow. like cut off circulation to my two smallest toes on each foot. i didn’t even have to walk in em to know these were no go. so, a month after they arrived (long story), they went back. kind of a bummer, kind of not. but if you don’t have wide-ass flintstone feet like me, pick em up. they’re dope looking, but too skinny for my fat ass.