it’s amazing how much halloween has changed for me through the ages:
birth – pre-teen – dress up, go trick or treating, get candy, get sick off to much of it
teenager – too old for that shit*, so you run around and kinda fuck with the kids
twenties – now in college, go to parties and/or bars to enjoy women in slutty costumes
thirties – still no wife or kids, so go to parties and/or bars to enjoy women in slutty costumes
forties – avoid all crowds, stay at home, keep house dark so doorbell never rings, go out nov 1 for discounted halloween shit
anybody vary off this?
*senior year of high school (1988 for anybody keeping score at home) a few of us had the idea to hit up the richer neighborhoods and claim to be dressed as “broke, sugar-deprived high school kids”. we did pretty well, honestly…
Sounds about right…