nervous, bmw style (tres)

for all curious, here’s an update on our car bullshit:

black betty
2011 535i sedan

currently in the shop for the aforementioned mystery drive train light. still need to get with k&n about that weird warped tube:

in theory her error light will be fixed via her soon to expire warranty and she’ll be good to go by the end of the week. time will tell.

mr. grey
2001 330ci convertible

the top is fully functional, which makes me happy beyond words. now i just need the weather to cooperate – there was patchy drizzle and it was 65° yesterday, today even more overcast (rained this morning) and in the 50’s, but fuck it, we needed a photo:

but we also need to show this photo:

(admittedly this is a google image ’cause i filled the reservoir with water to turn the light off since it was bugging me…THEN decided to do the bit!)

which explains the mysterious puddle that smelled like windex. me thinks the tank has sprung a leak? my theory of disconnecting the sensor will cause the light to go off appears to be bullshit. super…

2015 x1 suv

oil leak appears to have been fixed by oil change (once viscosity bottoms out it’ll leach out anywhere) but the smell and smoke persist as the baked on shit bakes its way off the catalytic converter and exhaust manifold, much to the ufc’s dismay.

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