say what you want, but none of them got their own movie back in the 90’s…
…at least not a major studio one.
but jerry did:

he was the king of talk show sleeze. i’ve always said that you know you’ve made it when your name ceases to be a name and becomes a verb or adjective. we don’t look shit up, we google it. you don’t sell shit on line, you eBay it. and white trash siblings who star on their own internet porn channel together? well, that’s some jerry-springer shit.
i did this bit because the show is, after twenty-seven seasons and over 4,000 episodes, supposedly cancelled. but did anybody tell them? i saw more than one article about it from pretty reliable sources, but their website still lets me throw down my info for tickets and has a scrolling banner asking me if i’m a stripper who wants to strut my stuff on camera or seeing if i have a gender reveal i need to do?
(for the record it’s “no” and “no, it’s kinda fucking obvious” in order of appearance)
while i will openly admit to watching the show on the regular for a chunk of it’s twenty-five years on the air i can also admit it’s been years since i’ve seen one. and while most will dismiss it as a solid hour of culture-ruining sludge it’s also the place where, when i was in some pretty shitty relationships, i convinced that ultimately we are responsible for how we are treated in a relationship because we ALLOW other people to treat us that way, and hearing that enough kinda set it in stone for me…
…which was a good thing.
so while fifty-eight minutes of it might have been a total three ring double-wide circus, the two minutes of the final thought brought it all home. and that, i’ll miss.
And opera, it was an opera.