i know, i know – i do this every time…
…but at least this time i waited till os was gone almost a month to throw down the “i wanna do this shit while the kiddo is gone” list. normally i’m zero for six. this time? let’s see…
deuce and a quarter – i don’t mean this:

i mean me actually getting back down to 225 or lower. today was 232.6…and i’m taking a supplement that’s helping gains in the gym, which means more muscle, which means more weight. but 225 is still the “os back” goal.
no more drippy drippy (part i) – we have a few leaks, but one of the worst is over the utility room. to the point where a trash can is used that occasionally tips over and floods said room. fuck all that. even if a roofer isn’t used, i SHOULD be able to do it after watching it being done once…or maybe even ghetto it and use sheet metal? we shall see…
will the oz man cometh before the os man cometh? – so, in addition to the portrait of nana & papa (my paternal grandparents) that my absolutely amaze balls buddy nathan is supposed to tattoo on me (to go with all the other family shit) we’ve also talked about an ozzy thing. for a year or two. to the point where he’s promised it so much he said he feels guilty when he sees me at this point. good. i’m gonna nail down a july appointment and get this bitch done before os gets back, which is the deadline i set a month ago (if you don’t set a deadline it drags on for years like it has).
open office – the ufc moved in back in the summer of 2014. three years later my studio is still completely unusable (and i’ve even bought new equipment for it that i haven’t gotten to test to the point where now it’s nonreturnable) and the office is a disaster. i orginally said i wanna have both up by the end of the summer. i consider that a stretch goal. but the office? that shit MUST fucking happen!
no more drippy drippy (part ii) – our shower has had a slow leak (that just drips into the tub so it’s no biggie) for quite a while. this means i pay more for my water bill, but i have NO idea how much. i’d love to fix it, and i have to through the boys closet to do so, so it makes more sense to get things going while he’s away.
and finally…
ride or die? – okay, maybe not “die”. but mr. gray approacheth 250,000 miles so i think it’s time to start shopping around, but i wanna keep him for practical (he still runs great, save for some minor issues and therefore would make a great back-up vehicle), emotional (sue me, i love the guy and it would kill me to see somebody else driving him), financial (i wouldn’t get NEARLY enough for him as a trade in), and convertible (i might do a hard-top this time, maybe even four door, but will need a top down fix…once i get his top working) reasons. i was shooting for september or october, but a couple have caught my eye in the last month so we’re seeing what we can do…