there are certain bands, for really no reason at all, i feel i need to see before i die…
…and motorhead is one of them.
i missed them several times, including a great time they were part of a package tour that came through houston that also had anthrax on it, another of my “list” bands i haven’t seen…

but it was not meant to be (it should be noted, though, i’ve seen slayer and slipknot a couple times each, including another double bill in a shitty makeshift venue in sa):

sadly, before they hit the dusty-ass field by a country bar that apparently, in a pinch, constitutes a concert venue in san antonio (i’m not making that shit up) metallica dropped off the tour, so they are still on my “bands i need to see before i die…” list along with anthrax and a few others. but unlike anthrax and metallica, which go back to my high school and junior high days musically, motorhead i’ve only recently known more than two songs from…but that being said, i could only name about six. i’m not a huge fan by any stretch, but i find them fun and entertaining, consider lemmy a genuine rock icon, and just really need to cross them off my list. let’s not mince words – lemmy ain’t getting any younger (he’s almost SEVENTY for christ’s sake) and he doesn’t exactly take care of himself.
i thought this might be my tour. they had two shows in the area, but i had ruled them both out for myself for two reasons:
tuesday night, september 1st, cedar park center – i fucking HATE the cedar park center. it’s new and pretty and shit, but it’s in fucking cedar park, and parking is retarded expensive.
wednesday night, september 2nd, aztec theater in san antonio – while i’ve always wanted to catch a show here just to check out the venue, and rock shows in SA tend to be pretty fucking epic people watching, i’m back in SA that sunday for motley crue, and driving down twice in one week just doesn’t work for me. sue me, i’m getting older.
but this week it was announced that the cedar park show was being moved to SOUTH AUSTIN to the old backroom, now known as “emos west”. smaller venue. closer to home. free parking. but then…

this is the man ozzy fucking osbourne said would be left to wander the earth with the cockroaches after a nuclear war. long after his “never die” ass was gone. and the day i finally buy a ticket to see him THIS shit happens? here’s to hoping it’s a fucking coincidence…i guess we’ll see on tuesday!